Thursday, July 30, 2009

Workcamp, Fireworks & LOVE CAN!!

(Here is the gang that serenaded Drew & Allie after he popped the question!)
It has been a month since I have written. When July arrives, our family goes into the big black hole called WORKCAMP! So much has happened that catching up would be impossible unless I do it as one-liners! So here goes. I guess I should go in chronological order, but this first event is TOO IMPORTANT to list down the line!
DREW & ALLIE ARE ENGAGED! It was Thursday nite of the second week of camp. Marcela came to me about 10 minutes before evening programming started and told me that Drew was going to pop the question. He had already taken John aside and asked him for Allie's hand in marriage about two days prior.
After the evening staff meeting, Drew & Al went for a walk. Little did she know that Marcela, Daniel and Ridgeway had set up fireworks out on the basketball court. The signal Drew gave was when he dropped to one knee. It was so RIGHT! It was intimate & private for them, but as they came into the school, all of their friends had set up sparkling cider....Ridgeway was on the guitar and we were all singing UNCHAINED MELODY!!! It was so much fun! And it was so memorable. More photos are on her facebook & mine.
My British cousin, Tim was here for his birthday on the 3rd of July. We had both Old Glory and the Union Jack flying down at the pool. There was lots of hot dogs, Edyth & Cass were there.....the scudders.....we started up the firepit and roasted marshmellows for smores. So much fun having a house full of family & friends.
The next day, the staff arrived for the first wave of campers. We prepped the school and then that evening we brought the firepit to the school and watched the Colonial Heights fireworks while we ate smores and donned glow stick necklaces and bracelets. It was a good break before the gang of campers arrived the next day.
The first week....I hardly remember. It was a good week....great kids....much work done.....
During the middle week break, our dear friend from church, BERNICE ORTON passed away. John had quite a hopping month. He had to do her funeral, travel to Colonial Heights 12 times to teach & inspire, and let go of his little girl!
The second week of camp was so amazing for me. My sister Paige came and stayed until Wednesday! Jon & Jennifer, my brother & niece were campers. I was so glad they were here for the engagement happening.
We had planned to leave for England, but because of his work schedule, Tim just couldn't host us this summer. So, we are heading to Disneyworld on Sunday for a much needed family time. We haven't been since Al was little, and Drew has never been. Really can't believe we are going!
There is much more to tell and many more photos, so I will try to write consistantly for the next few days. These are very rich and wonderful days!