Friday, November 25, 2011

Giving Thanks!

Well, it's the day after Thanksgiving....I am a slug! Yesterday was terrific...all the time in the kitchen was worth it. Allie even baked an apple pie for her friends...peeled the apples & everything! Jeffrey came up and spent Wednesday nite....the Scudders came over. We celebrated Alicia's final chemo & Jeffrey's birthday. We also had "British Crackers"....thus the picture of Jeff in a paper crown!

The picture of Allie with Louie tells the story of his ordeals the past week. I thought we might lose him. He had surgery again...bladder stones...even a trip to Midlothian to the ER vet at 4am one morning. He's rounding the bend now thankful.

Allie & I went to Ellen's PGHS Powder Puff game and photographed. That explains the pic of Ellen with the moustache in the way, the Junior Class won! Hooray!

No Black Friday shopping for me....I am a crocheting fool right now making gifts for everyone! Made the cutest hats with the Columbia Theo colors...made three - one for Allie & one for Joseph & his wife, Leah.

Our plate is full for the next couple's all good tho. Guess we are trying to cram in as much as we can before Allie leaves. Thankful she has been feeling pretty good....

Still have the fallen big tree in the back yard...oh well, priorities!

Dear friend & workcamp staffer, Victor, is in the ICU unit at St Frances....they aren't sure what is going on, so prayers are going up at a steady pace from all the kids.

Looking forward to a quiet weekend....


Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Wood Stove Is "A-Going"

Lots of Workcamp Babies being born! This is only a sampling! A more on the way! It's so much fun when they bring all these little ones by camp!

Fall is officially here....John & I have given up on keeping up with the leaves. I'm scooping out the pool regularly...going to leave the cover off like last winter. I love looking down the hill at it all year long.

Allie & I have been going thru her tubs & boxes, condensing them and labeling them for Atlanta. She is beyond psyched about going to Columbia. We plan to rent a truck. She'll drive her car filled with "stuff" & I will drive the rental. We leave on January 22nd. We plan to stay at Edyth's's a little more than half way. I will fly back on the 25th. I am so excited that I get to see the school!

Alicia has her last chemo the Monday before Thanksgiving! By Thursday, she'll be feeling pretty rough, so all the Scudders are coming here for Thanksgiving. We'll prop her in the big lounge chair, fill her with turkey & drugs.

John is preparing a sermon on King David. Just did one on Church History, but I think it just went over everyone's heads. My hubby is just a little too brilliant!

Al had planned a trip up to NY/NJ to see friends & family, but with all that is happening and saving her $$$ for school, it just didn't work out. She'll make it happen sometime after all this transition.

Lots coming up in December.....Donk's Christmas Show, The Prince George Christmas Parade, Busch Garden's Christmas Town, Christmas Eve Service. And then in January...a get together at Linda Dugent's, a big annual family gathering at Aunt Janet's in Martinsville, and then Al & I hit the road.

I REAAAAAALLLLLLY want to get in a lunch date with Paige....we haven't seen each other in a long time. I couldn't go the last time we tried to coordinate...:(

John & I just finished watching "Saving Private Ryan" and I have shell shock just from watching the moving. As Lindsay Driscoll says..." It's the best movie I never want to see again". It was very fitting that we watched it on Veterans Day even tho we didn't schedule it that way. I think EVERYONE man, woman & teen should be required to watch it.....whew!

Well, I attended the "Church Of The Inner Springs" this morning and am now off to Walmart to beat the "after church" crowd. Wish me luck!