Friday, May 4, 2012

The Speed of Life Is Picking up!

I love this little picture.  No, it's not Louie, but it looks just like him!  He spent part of today at Crater Vet getting clipped and preened!  I spent most of the day with Alicia at Johnston-Willis with her while she got her pre-op done.  Doc is taking out her spacers next Thursday.  Big happening!
Our little family is taking a few knicks right now.  John stumbled on the pavers coming up from the pool the other day.  The next morn we spent at SRMC getting an xray & CAT scan of his spleen.  Bottom line:  he caught himself landing on the same three ribs he broke last year!  Not as hard this time, but there are hairline fractures in all of the same healed places.  He's doing Percocet, reading, studying and watching movies.  It's all good.
Me....I accidently inhaled some chlorine gas when I opened an old container of tablets for the pool.  Then cut the grass without using a mask.....result:  I think I have bronchitus....I will see the doc Monday if it isn't better.
Allie is wrapping up her first semester of studies in Atlanta/Decatur.  Ben P. has gone down to join her for final activites going on and a friend's wedding.  So proud of her!  She should be home around May 20.
After I visit houses next week I will only need 1 or 2 more.  That part of Workcamp is going smoothly this year.  Actually all of the preparation is going smoothly this year.  I can't believe it's May already!
The pool is open,I am just trying to get the water balanced and clear.  I love riding the John Deere and cutting grass.  The driveway is overgrown and I don't know for sure what we will do about that.
John was voted on at Rowanta Methodist Church and he will be speaking there on the 2nd and 4th Sundays....still at Tabernacle on the 1st & 3rd.  I dont' plan to go to Rowanta Methodist.  My loyalty and home is at Tabernacle.  Plus, I just don't need any more "church" stuff going on in my life!  I have met some wonderful residents for the kids this summer.  Incredible people for the teens to spend time with.
As our older neighbor Margaret used to say..."Much to do!  Much to do!"