Thursday, January 16, 2014


There is So much going on!  Biggest news....Allie applied for an internship in Washington D.C. with the PLO Delegation to the U.S. and was offered the position yesterday!  Only hitch, she is waiting for the ambassador to interview and sign off on her application.  They told her she had the position, but that the ambassador likes to interview sometimes.  So, Al is waiting again....boy, does she know how to play the waiting game! 
We are holding off , but need to find a place for her to live up there SOON!  The position starts on the 27th and runs until JUNE 27th.  Hopefully through her job there she will come in contact with folks that may hire her permanently:)  Fingers crossed!
Workcamp is steadily filling.....groups are adopting crews for lunches.  I have been totally lazy about much of it.  I bought a new computer program for the finances....updated much, but I just have to get into it REALLY SOON!
Took Ellen to a doc appointment the other day...all is good. Her mom would be so proud of her.  She is such a balance young woman.   Kent started driving lessons this past Tuesday....only three more weeks and he can get his drivers license.  The pic below is from last night....Bing and Ellen came up and we all ate out at the local Mexican was so good to see them!
Well, Al and I will continue the waiting game.  Ben has to work late tonight, so we'll count the hours together :)

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