Thursday, March 17, 2011

Sorry...No Pics!

It's extremely busy around here:
- Applications are rolling in like crazy since the deadline was March 15th - Both camps full except 5 spaces week one!

- JR speaking at Prince George Christian two Wednesdays for their Lent next week and then the following week while Allie & I are gone

- Allie & I leave forEngland on Monday , March 28th.....spending time with family in London....perhaps a trip to Paris & Rome.....will see

- Allie's 24th birthday on March 24th....friends in Richmond throwing her a bash....she & I plan to have high tea at the new BLUE WILLOW TEA ROOM in Old Towne Pburg

- Selling John's Camry on Craigslist.....ugh...hate phone calls

- Going with Alicia tomorrow for her big's been a hassle...she's had to change it because Johnston Willis "machine is down" .....whew!

- Heading to Donk's oldies show this of 10 going! FUN!

- Having to start the pool pump so the water won't turn green

I am sure there is much more,......just is a hurry!!!

Saturday, March 12, 2011


The photo is of John with Allie at the hospital before we brought her home. She will be 24 years old on the 24th of March. Hard to believe. She read us her essay for her grad school application the other day when she was visiting. I was so was so well written & expressive!
I drove to Richmond today to see her house after the new roommates moved in. It's wonderful. We dodged the St Patrick celebration traffic in the "bottom" and headed over to Trader Joes and then to the VCU bookstore to get some trinkets to take to England with us.
We have quite a full load on our plates for the trip. Hoping to fly to Rome for a day....and ride the Eurostar to Paris for a day also. Of course, we'll tool about London & Great Britain too. I am sure we will bring back lots of tacky paraphinalia(?) they are selling on the street to commemorate the upcoming royal wedding!
Alicia goes for her MRI on the 17th and we have permission for me to sit in the room with her.....afterwards we will know more about her surgery.
March is really roaring. This weeks Japanese earthquake/tsunami with a possible nuclear disaster, Pete down the street from us had a horrific stroke, and a church member is in MCV - she had a heart attack while she was driving and thus had an auto accident......geezzzzzzzz
JR still hasn't sold his old Camry. Plan to put it on Craigslist tomorrow with a photo.
Sleepy...look forward to sleeping in tomorrow morning....oops, spring forward....set the clocks!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

This is a photo of my Grandmother Eagle during the 40s. I am going through my photo albums looking for photos of my unofficial "grandmother " Edith in England. She passed away quietly Friday. One of our main purposes to get over there was to see her. Big culture difference.....they aren't even deciding what to do about "black tie funeral" until Southerners would have eaten a ton of fried chicken by now!
We are still heading to London on Mar's coming up quickly. Everyone there says it is a good thing we are visiting.....I still have yet to purchase the train tickets....must get moving on that!
I can't say enough about John's hearing aids! It is absolutely a miracle! At church today he was so happy to hear all the conversations and comments!
Well....the story just keeps getting more interesting. Alicia will have her MRI on the 17th. Ben gets married on April 9th....big wedding. He just got orders (Coast Guard) to report for 12 week school in Yorktown on APRIL 10th!!! He is required to stay in the barracks.....
We are having a real problem with folks dropping off pets that they can no longer care for in our neighborhood. Two of the most beautiful labs have been roaming our street for a week now. Precious dogs. Someone tied a little puppy to a post down the street with a note and a bag of food. The note read "please find a home for REX. We can no longer afford to keep him". Thank goodness we have an angel on our street whose calling is to find homes for abandoned animals. And it truly is a calling.
It looks like the month of March is coming in like a LION. Abandoned dogs, boob cancer, death in England, Al's roomate from h%## moving, Ben's wedding fiasco, Wanda's heart cath, .......
But, I must remember the positive.....trip soon to England to see people I love, Al will now have a peaceful home, they found Wanda's blockage early, John's new car & hearing aids, beautiful workcamp people, ....these are the things that I must ponder!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

I'm Beginning to Whine.....

Here's a funny Olan Mills photo of Grandmother, Terry & me....I was about 5 or 6 years old.
OK....I'll just the the worst news dearest friend in the world, ALICIA SCUDDER was just diagnosed with invasive breast cancer. She has an MRI on the 17th. Her son BEN is getting married on April 9th. Then she will have very aggressive surgery & chemo following the wedding. I really don't know what else to say....just that it really sucks....
John's new hearing aids have made him a new man! It has made ALL the difference in the world....he goes for his second appointment tomorrow and they will turn them up a little more. They start out at a low volume so that he can get used to the sounds each week. I can't begin to say how much our lives have changed because of it!
Allie's house is doing the roommate shuffle, but the outcome looks good. She is loving substituting in Colonial Heights. She was with the autistic kids today....said she couldn't do it all the time because she just gets too involved and attached!
John bought a new HONDA CIVIC. Now we are in the process of selling his 2002 Camry. Drove to Carmax in Midlothian today to see what they would give him for it. He has signs in the windows so we'll see if anyone bites this weekend.
We are enjoyin watching an episode of GREY'S ANATOMY each evening together....started with season one and are now on season two.
Allie & I leave for London on March 28th.....back in 8 days. Tim's grandmother, Edith, is still in the hospital in Norwich after suffering a stroke. She is really a tough little lady.....I know we will spend some time in Diss with family....then the three of us plan to go to Rome for a day.....and possibly Paris again for the sounds very posh, but we are really gypsies!
So many good things are happening.....but my heart is broken and frightened for my friend....