Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Blue Talon & The Lilleys

Al & I made our way to Williamsburg Thursday. We had a late lunch at The Blue Talon and then headed over to the Williamsburg Lodge to meet Paige & family. Christy and her family were all here from Tennessee, so we were able to see everyone!

It was a brief gathering, but loud, fun and filled with laughter. The girls are growing so quickly! Ellie is into horseback riding and Caroline is into being Caroline.

Al & I had intended to go over to Busch Christmas Town since we didn't get to go last week, but we both were ready to head home.

Curled up in bed and watched the update on the computer of the basketball game VCU vs Akron! It was quite a second basket made...they one by one point! Go RAMS!

Allie received her living assignment for Columbia and is thrilled she will be on the first floor of the older building and she'll have a KITCHENETTE!!!

It's New Year's Eve and quite at the Romaine's.....

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Bevell's Hardware

Just before Christmas Allie & I traveled to Blackstone, VA to Bevell's Hardware Store. I had been told about an incredible Christmas model train village that they set up for the season. It was more than we ever expected! SO MUCH FUN and so much to see.....and it's just set up in the local hardware store. Apparently they have been doing this for 30 years. We ran into two old friends.....Debra Bailey from Workcamp and Al joined them for a photo. I wish I could put all of the photos are a few. One of the of a of the actual drive in theatre that was playing....Maybe I can find a way to link all of the pics to the blog....Hmmmmmmm.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Family Time

I am so ready to crash for the night, but just had to post the new pictures. They are of Christmas Day and then the day after Christmas when we all get together. It was a wonderful time! I cannot stay up another minute! Enjoy the pics and I'll write more soon!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Too Warm For December

It's way too warm to be December! It should make being at Busch Garden's Christmas Town fun tonight though. Usually we are freezing with gloves and scarves! Allie, Ben & I are heading down there this evening for a few hours of fun.

The photo is of Al's dear friend Jonathan who has been in Mozambique since September with the Peace Corps. He and 17 others were just sworn in and sent to their individual villages. They had planned to meet up for Christmas this weekend. Tragedy......5 of his Peace Corps friends were in an auto accident....two of the girls were killed. It's very hard since he is so far away.......

I went to the grocery store REALLY early and bought the turkey and fixins for our big meal with family the day after Christmas. Most of the presents are's nice to have most of the holiday time to have down time!

I visited more residents for camp on Tuesday, and met some WONDERFUL people for the kids to be with this summer. And it's official, there will be a Palestinian youth group from the GAZA STRIP......I am SO excited!

Heading to Williamsburg! ;)

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Christmas & Close Friends

What a wonderful evening last night! It was cold. We had a fire in the wood stove and lots of goodies to eat. On the deck we had the fire pit going with giant marshmallows to roast for smores! It was a perfect time with close friends and old friends.

I think we may head to Blackstone to the hardware store this week to see the BIG train display. Everybody at church was talking about, I think we'll make the journey!

Well, I must get the graham crackers & leftover marshmallows off the deck before the racoons roast them tonight!!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas!

Yes, the John Deere finally was delivered! Boy did we have fun the first day as u can see by the photos! Everything is happening at double speed now. The days are speeding past us!

Five of us went down to Donk's for the Christmas Show this past Saturday. To my surprise, some members of my high school Class of '70 were there! It was SO wonderful to see all of them. I had forgotten and left the battery pack for my camera at home, so hopefully another picture will turn up on someone else's camera.

The tree is up, most of the presents wrapped or ordered and we are getting ready for a small party here this Saturday to celebrate Christmas and Allie's leaving for Atlanta. Should be fun....we are going to bring the firepit up on cinderblocks on the deck and had the fixings for smores plus other goodies!

I just called LOWE'S to talk with someone in Corporate about the reasoning for pulling advertisement from the show ALL AMERICAN MUSLIM. I really didn't want to jump the gun on this, but their explanation was very misleading. Online it has turned into a firestorm of hate and ignorance. Once I get some understanding on why they pulled their ads, then I can talk about a decision as to whether we'll purchase anything from LOWES again.

Well, I must get my parts in gear and head out into the world.....we need food in this house!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Entering the Season....

We are entering the Christmas season fast and hard! We are also dragging a big sinus infection with us! John is over his, but me....It's just hanging on!

The pictures are of the Prince George Christmas Parade....Ellen with the PGHS marching band, Alicia on her phone and Santa just happened to show up in his pick-up truck! It was a gorgeous day!

We are hoping to go to the DONKS Christmas show this weekend....and we are having a little get together on the 17th for Christmas and a farewell before Al heads to Atlanta next month.

The registrations for new churches should start rolling in soon....

Our little Louie (little vagabond dog) has been thru a couple surgeries and is doing TERRIFIC now. He is so much fun!

As you can tell...I'm a little distracted right now....will write more later!