Thursday, August 23, 2012

Still Trying to Catch Up

I've been on a mission to find some lost tools.  Alicia & I made a trip to the "boathouse" warehouse the other day.  Really creepy.  It's right on Willcox Lake and is crammed full of workcamp stuff and mice!  Found what we were looking for tho! I'm busy balancing our workcamp receipts, payments, etc.....not my favorite thing to be doing...
The pool is green & I am still fighting with it.  It's a daily thing.
Al & I went shopping a little yesterday.  A candle fell at her feet, cut her toe and she started bleeding like crazy from this tiny cut!  We were outta there in no time.
Ben's shop was broken into through the back door.  This has been the most violent, intrusive summer I can ever remember!
I called the Plotts and am taking a little road trip down there next week to visit & show them all the things that happened at Workcamp this summer. 
John now gets up at 4am on Tuesdays and cuts greens out at Fort Lee.  In return, he gets a free cart all week.  I'm not sure if it's an even tradeoff.  He likes doing it tho.
I am on and offline with the Palestinian group at times which is thrilling.  I must figure out how to share the videos on here, especially of the dancing!
Again, I am filling this space with everyday happenings and am saving the Workcamp happenings for's still just too much to process.
Louie has made two escapes out the front door when we weren't looking.  I end up cussing and we all go looking for him and he turns up wagging his tail.  Will just lays there with his nose pointed to the front door, telling us that Louie's made a run for it!  It's really funny!
Al is already signed up for classes this semester and ordering her books today. She's taking Greek this fall which John is so excited about it he can hardly stand it!
Gotta scurry.....

                                                   Allie, Ranim & Meirna try hat on in Luray
                                                                Khalil  I dance to a local musician outdoors in Luray

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Catching Up Little By Little

I'm trying really hard to get back to normal.  After all the happenings of this summer though, it's not easy.  My mind and heart are in a thousand different places.  First, I'll tackle some of the one time events that took place:
   -  The day before the second workcamp, our cars were broken in to .  Yes, they were in the garage and the garage door was open.  They rifled through our things....taking only cash.  The creepy part was that they were in our garage!  They did the same to about 4 other houses on our street. 
   -  Ben P's dad was held up at gunpoint at his job.  He is fine...
   -  The motor in Al's Honda got a crack in it....Ben found it....thankfully it was totally covered under warrenty still, so she has a brand new motor in her car!
   -  We had a run in with someone that was living in a workcamp resident's home.  Still week I     have a meeting with either Fire Chief Hairston or the Chief of Police about it.  This man is REALLY creepy!
   -  A workcamper's sister was fatally injured by a hit & run while she was riding her bike in Richmond. 
   -  Allie's friend was acousted on the street in the Fan last week. 
   -  Yesterday, while they were eating at JIMMY'S in Walnut Hill, someone busted the window in the Scudder car and took the GPS & Ellen's purse.  Kent went behind the restaurant browsing through the woods to see if they threw her purse back there, and he gouged his hand somehow on a fence.  Yep, hospital, two stitches!

OK....NOW WE HAVE GOTTEN ALL THE ROTTEN STUFF OUT OF THE WAY.  For every rotten moment there is always a Kodak moment in the Romaine house. 
   -  Alicia is cancer free and in remission!  Yep, she had a PET scan week before last and everything is clear!  We celebrate that EVERY DAY!  During July we haven't had much time to play, but now we will!  P.S.  Ellen was selected as Drum Major for the PGHS marching band.  She's following big brother, Ben's footsteps! 
   -  Al's classes are all settled for the fall.  She is excited to get back down there to her little apartment on campus and see friends, but I am sure that leaving Ben here will be a challenge.  He is driving with her down to Atlanta to haul "stuff" and then flying back right after Labor Day. 
   -  Looks like Allie & Paul B. are planning a brunch at GODFREY'S for my 60th birthday with some girlfriends.  Pictures to follow.  (P.S.  Godfrey's is a flamboyant musical performing place for cross dressers!  FUN!)
   -  Lovin' our John Deere lawn mower!  Just lovin' it!
   -  Went to a fun happening in Midlothian for BFF Linda Dugent's surprise 60th birthday!  Lotsa fun and a precurser to the fun coming with the same friends in July at Workcamp 2012
   -  John briefly took on another church out in Dinwiddie.  He was at Tabernacle the first & third Sundays and then on the second & fourth he was at Rowanta.  Turns out Rowanta was WAY to fundamental for his taste.  He is no longer there, thank God!  I only went there once, and it was too much for me!  Two Sunday's a month suits my taste just fine!  In my next blog I will talk about all the happenings at WORKCAMP 2012!

                                          Family Gathering in Horsepasture VA
                                          Ben, Allie & "Ricky Bobby" on Father's Day
                                          Allie & Paul on Memorial Day
             John R. & John Daniel putting up the walls at CHMS for Workcamp

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


There is so much to much to share!  The month of JULY 2012 was incredibly full of so many happenings and new faces and feelings. 

Above is a link to a Channel 6 News story that Wayne Covil did for us.  Below are some photos of the summer.  I will write more soon!