Thursday, March 16, 2017


Back to my reality check.
I've been whining. 
-  I have been really puny the past couple months with the only thing I can say is the "yuck".  just haven't been able to kick it.  Everyone has was just getting me down.  And now my family has the stuff!
-  We had waited for approval and were so excited about finding a home for WORKCAMP 2017 at Matoaca Middle School.  Then after waiting for the published approval and telling everyone where we were going to be based this summer, Chesterfield Schools said they didn't "realize" we were going to spend the night in the school and that we couldn't be there.  So, back to tap dancing to find a place for our band of gypsies this summer.  I'm not's just that it's really putting a damper on my ability to keep folks informed about logistics.....and we ALL KNOW how I like to keep people informed:)
-  Mice have come into my house from the cold and these are mutant mice. This is a fight that is going pretty easily in my favor.

 I hunkered down with our VICKS and box of tissues to watch a new HBO documentary yesterday.  

 It is 2 hours long.  It documents the beginning history of Syria's fight for freedom.  It explains Asad, the regime, the Syrian Freedom Army, the intrusion of  Al Quaida and ISIS.  It shows the bravery of the White Helmets and the inhumanity of resin and chlorine gas.  It carries you through the Russian bombings which continue now.  It takes you on the journey of families and orphans through gunfire and barbwire and starvation and black seas that gobble up lives.

And how is this story told?  Through the voices and interviews of young men and women....and most of all. the sheer terrifying stories of the children.
A White Helmet rescuing babies from the rubble
It is compelling, and gruesome.  It is educational and devastating.  If you need clarity about what is happening there....what our role is there....and what our role is here in our country, I dare you to watch.  It is not easy, but if you REALLY want to know the difference between a terrorist and a refugee seeking safety, don't turn away. I plead with you to watch this award winning film....take it in.

I think the reason that I am so accute in my feelings about this is because I believe that Asad's slaughtering of his own people is only a breath away from being Netanyahu's final assault on the Palestinian people.  For some reason, it is easy for leaders to justify committing unfathomable torture when they believe God is on their side.  Please click on the links above to sample what you will see.
And in our country....
There was a documentary on The White Helmets that won an Academy Award.  These are young men that are bakers, tailors, businessmen that are the first to dig through the rubble to save the children. But guess what...they were not allowed into the U.S. to be celebrated at the awards. Our country refused them entry under the new travel ban.
Some of you say, "I just can't watch stuff like that on TV."  Well, this is an opportunity to buckle up and look truth in the eyes while sitting in the safety of your own home.
You will be a wreck when you have finished watching.....embrace it...and be thankful for your life.
I'm not asking you to fill every day with stories like this, but this is one for all to see if we are going to talk about refugees, and asylum and immigration and Muslims and bans and walls and...Russians...and....

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