Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A Change In Plans

Alicia called early...she woke up in the wee hours of the morn with the stomach flu! Needless to say we don't want to go near her and her family! I will travel to Richmond around noon and have lunch with Al. Then she heads off to mentoring.

(Ben & sister Ellen at the Spring Cotillion at the Pburg Country Club....Happy Birthday, Bennie at VMI!)

W O R K C A M P N E W S....

Today is Ben Scudder's & Jared Carlson's bday....

I went to the Colonial Heights School Board Meeting last nite....Bob and Karen were there. The Kochuba family was there because KATIE was being honored as senior of the month. Stephanie Colb sat on the board last nite as a student representative. Dr. Kim Evans was there also. I thanked the board profusely....gave them all workcamp lanyards and stat sheets. It's not official, but I believe strongly that we will be at CHMS again next year!

Many are joining the Facebook group, PRESBYTERIAN ENERGIZERS ARE LIKE CLUBBING WITH GOD! It's great....we may even be able to pick up a few new ones for next year.

No,....we will not be making a trip to the gulf coast of Mississippi in February....

We talked about helping in Texas, but it's SO far away....

We will do another SMOKE DETECTOR BLITZ in Petersburg after the first of the year tho...

This time we share a meal together too! Fun day...

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