Saturday, December 20, 2008

Things Are Good!

I have no idea who this "Santa" is....he was roaming the aisles at Donk's theater when we were there!
I have to say things are really feeling good around here. It was a long ordeal to wait for Allie's endometriosis to be mailed (it's like the Holy Grail).....round and round with the insurance company, but finally done! She got the shot Wednesday morning and is already beginning to feel more like herself! Yippee!
I can't believe it is DEC 20th and I have done practically NOTHING!!! Tree is up, few gifts under the tree and all I am doing is eating homemade fudge someone brought us!
Drew is home from Hampden-Sydney.....he and Al spent the nite one nite....good to have them here by the fire. I picked up Ellen from her last day and school and took her to Alicia who was handing out food baskets at their church in Colonial Heights.....that was fun and really put me in the Christmas mood.
Random trips to Walmart and Books A Million.....gonna try to order some things online today.
Christmas will be quiet around here......Jon and family usually come the day after Christmas, but will be coming on the 27th instead......Jeff too......then we are all going to Brienne's wedding on the 28th down in Newport News.
Talked with Paige yesterday.....she is retiring from her job after 41 years! Monday and Tuesday are her final days. She is flying to Tennessee to be with Christy and family on the 30th......we are hoping to all get together with them around the 9th.
And of course, we can't forget our Martinsville, VA family! Looks like ALL of us are going to Horsepasture, VA to Aunt Janet's on January 17th....probably for an overnight! I love being with all of them! We'll pass thru Farmville and pickup Drew on the way.
So, our holidays will be spread out over all the next few weeks.....
I am so thankful that Allie is feeling better.....praying for her.....
I pulled into the driveway last night and the back yard was full of deer. Gave Will a good "haircut" last nite. Geez.....I gotta get Christmas wrapping and shopping!
- Karen Scott's mom fell and broke her arm and had to have surgery
- Dennis Allen's father passed away earlier this month
- It won't be long before the rush to see which churches get in this year......

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