Monday, March 9, 2009

I Do Not Like Spring Forward!

The snow is gone and now the temps are in the high 70s today! Everyone I know is walking around in a fog!
The church congregation yesterday was slim pickins. Lots of folks absent; one with back surgery, one with pneumonia, one fell on the ice and has a cast on his leg and one, well, she just isn't doing well. Nuff said.
I took JR to Richmond early this morning to meet with his neurologist....all is good....the tingling in his hands and arms isn't from his neck, just aging nerves in his arms.
Went to look at four houses for this summer. Some really interesting folks for our teens to get to know! One I will just call "The Teddy Bear Lady"!
Al's shot was late being mailed so it won't be at the physicians office until tomorrow. She is going to try to go to a FLOGGING MOLLY concert on Broad Street tonight. Hope she can do it!
I'm watching Simba catch field mice and little blue lizards in the woods behind our bedroom window.
Lovin the Toyota van.
JR met with a couple yesterday that he is going to marry in May. They are friends Drew's. The wedding is going to be in Celebration Park near Woodlake.
This is spring break week. VCU is one game away from heading to the NCAA championships. Sorry VT!
Saw Sister James Regina today. All of the sisters are leaving St Joseph's and being split up into different services. Sister Lucille will be going to St Catherine's in Emmittsburg, MD. Sister JR going to Emmittsburg to a school there. Sister Patricia is being sent to Jacksonville, FL. Petersburg will not be the same. The Sisters of Charity have had a presence here for over 150 years.
I must leave to go to my favorite place----Walmart----NOT!

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