Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Again, no photos. I don't like blogging without photos but I am too pooped to go dig around for the camera to upload! So, I'll be methodical about what has been happening the past 8 days.
Al's birthday came and went. Of course, she was ill, but mustered to shuffled in the mall for new PJs. That always makes u feel better.
What am I typing! The big news is that we went to Charlottesville to meet with the OBGYN team at UVA. Drove up late Sunday afternoon. By 9pm she was in such excruciating pain, I took her to the emergency room. Long story short, she has been walking around with a truly BAD urinary tract infection. They scanned her gall bladder and kidneys just in case, but it was a combo of th endomytriosis and UTI that was causing her to go downhill. We went to a 24 hr CVS, picked up drugs and back in the hotel room by 4am.
The appointment with the OBGYNs was at 8:45am. Another long story short, they just laid out all the options, all of which we had heard before. Allie has opted not to take ANY MORE LUPRON or other hormone shots. They are just awful; too awful to describe. She has an appointment back at UVA on APRIL 17th with a endocrinologist/surgeon and they will set a date for another laproscopy. She has an appointment on APRIL 20 to the pain management center. She is now regrouping. Boy, this girl has grit!
Today I visited a woman on Mars Street that had no walls in some of her rooms. And she said she was blessed.
We are blessed to find out that Bob Doenges does NOT have cancer, but some sort of infection....more info to come.
JR plowed our little patch for a small garden. I went back to the YMCA today with Alicia and we started our regimen again. It's been a little while.....and Al is going to try to do an hour in the pool with us when she is home during the week.
I refuse to let the gnawing pitter patter of little irritations and jumping through hoops get me down!
The forsythia and daffodils are in bloom. It's gonna be good.

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