Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Log Cabin , Knitting & Pansies

It's raining....rained yesterday. I hope it finishes before this weekend. I booked a log cabin at Fort Story for a girls nite this weekend for my birthday. I truly can't remember the last time I was at the beach. A quiet beach and friends....yep, that's the best!
During the holiday weekend Allie & I planted pansies. Allie started loom knitting and is going to town on it. She pulled me into it too. We got the idea from Ellen Rose .
Alicia's surgery went well. She's been a little tired, but up and going!
We started watching the HBO series "Six Feet Under". Think it's going to be good. JR & I finished all the SOPRANOS last year.
I heard that Walnut Hill Baptist Church is closing it's doors in six months.....that makes me very sad.
Waiting for Lindsay & Matt to have their baby.
I am really loving this down time before the rush of workcamp begins again. I've just about finished tallying the finances...now to go thru the paper files and get ready to clean them out and get ready for 2010. People are already calling and asking about the dates.
JR continues to preach every Sunday. We had Tabernacle this past weekend. Love that little church. We had lunch together afterwards. I was tickled because Lois noticed my weight loss.
Al & I did a little Labor Day shopping yesterday. Can't remember the last time we went shopping together.
Jerry finished installing new lattice around the bottom of the deck and it looks so much better. Hurrican Isabel took it down, so u can see how long we have left it in shambles! I installed new solar lites going down the sidewalk to the pool too.
Lots of birthdays this month. Next week is Kemps & then Sheila's.
I am like a squirrel running around here. I know it's because of my change in eating habits and weight loss. Who knew that I was diabetic! I feel so much better (didn't know I was feeling that bad!) and have so much energy! I am loving it!

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