Saturday, October 24, 2009

What A Difference A Day Makes!

The photos are of Allie & her new haircut and the leaves changing in the driveway. Can't believe we had the woodstove going last week and today we had to turn on the air conditioning! It's so muggy! It's beginning to look beautiful around here tho with fall coming into view!
Allie is at the Celtic Festival & Games up in Doswell with some friends. I am readying the house for our group of workcamp staff tomorrow. It's our big Wrap-Up meeting and it is always so good to see everyone! There will be about 25 folks here. It's hard to push thru a meeting because we all want to chat and catch up with one another!
We will finally cover the pool this week. I think this is the latest we have ever left it open. I HATE to cover it but the leaves are beginning to fall now!
The new brochures for WORKCAMP 2010 have been mailed to key churches. There have already been several new inquiries. And the residents will begin calling November 1st. AND WE'RE OFF & RUNNING!
I miss Edyth terribly after traveling down to see them. I just can't get over THE SOUND OF MUSIC! And yes, we are still looking at applying for the AMAZING RACE! My weight has hit a plateau, but I have been fudging on my dieting a, I must get back to being a little more strict!
I keep finding more friends from my high school class on Facebook. Our 40th reunion is next May 10th and I am SO looking forward to that!
We've settled on a music theme for camp next summer. It is by a group called NEEDTOBREATHE and the song is called "Lay It Down".......our theme will be a "water" theme and the tshirt will say, "Let's wade in the river!!"
Looks like I might make a trip soon to Lynchburg to see a very distant cousin (never met) who also is doing genealogy on the EAGLE family.
I continue to be amazed at my daughter. She is certainly a strong , beautiful, and determined woman!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

We're Back in VA

We're back in VA. We left on Wednesday for Drexel, North Carolina to spend a few days with Edyth & family. Boy were they a busy bunch. Edyth is directing the play THE SOUND OF MUSIC at the local community theater and Mike is directing another play for the Halloween season....NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD.
Thursday nite, we headed for the outdoor amphitheater for a rehearsal of Mike's play. It was cold and misty and a perfect night for zombie activity! Edyth had taught the cast of about 25 the Michael Jackson THRILLER dance to perform at the end of the play. It was terrific! We saw Joseph & Leah.....Joseph is in the performance.
Friday we had a houseful of people. Added into the mix was Edyth's nephew, wife and little two year old Baxley. I got to braid Cass's hair for her part in THE SOUND OF MUSIC and Allie did her makeup. It was opening night and it was incredible for community theater! Afterwards a group of some of the cast came by the house for a little food & drink.
All of the photos are in an album labeled TRIP TO EDYTH'S on my facebook page.
The trip is about 5 hrs driving time. Everytime I do the trip, I am reminded that Edyth does this drive twice during the month of JULY for camps.
Al has one more midterm on Monday. She is doing amazingly! JR preaches at Tabernacle tomorrow. I was not good about eating the right stuff while in NC, so I really have to get back in line!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Tough Week....Great Timing

Big ups and downs this week. Al has finished all her midterms and with flying colors. So thankful she has done this in the middle of her tough time. She & Drew have called it quits. We are so proud of her standing her ground and being level headed enough to look into the future.
With that being said, it is perfect timing for us to head to NC. We had been planning a trip this weekend to Edyth's. (That's Cass in the photo, altho she looks quite older now!) Mike is directing a Halloween play "Nite of the Living Dead" - musical) and Edyth is the director for "THE SOUND OF MUSIC" so we'll be hanging with the Pruitt's and seeing their plays! So excited to see all of the NC workcamp gang!
John is feeling MUCH better since they changed his BP meds. World of difference!
Let's just say, I am very thankful!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

It's Been Awhile

I ran across this card and it brought back a flood of memories from our time in Biloxi helping repair after Hurricane Katrina. I guess I will work my way backwards in info.
Yesterday was Morgan Allen's wedding day. It was such a sweet ceremony! It was good to see all the Gregory Memorial friends and especially to see Beverly Bullock!
The info brochures for next summer are copied and the applications ready to be stapled to the covenants! Yep, I do a lot of this busy work during my down time during the fall. Al and I continue to enjoy "knitting" with our looms! All of you family members expect homemade Christmas gifts!
The pool is still open....I hate to cover it, but it is going to be a must do in the next couple of weeks. I enjoy sitting down there and listening to the owls at nite.
Al is finishing up her midterms and we are heading to NC next weekend to spend it with Edyth and family. She is directing the musical "THE SOUND OF MUSIC" so we'll be attending the play also. I can't wait to see all of them!
Alicia & I are supposed to be back to the schedule at the YMCA, but she has had a bout of flue/ fact, all of the Scudders have been ill.
Bob Scudder had a horrible happening about 10 days ago. He is retired now and works the nite shift at the local Holiday Inn front desk. He was robbed at gunpoint....a terrible happening. Believe it or not though, they caught the culprits. They had video tape and enhanced the license plate on the car has it was driving away.
I STILL haven't finished painting the kitchen, but have taken 3 bags out of the "mee-maw room" to Goodwill. Trying to get it together before the holidays.
Saw the Michael Moore movie, "CAPITALISM: A LOVE STORY"! Went with friend, Sally Driscoll. Terrific movie, but I am not very good at economics. Need to see it again to take it all in!
Ordered an old video camera off Ebay so that we can transfer all the little 8 mm tapes of the family before they corrode. Yep, another project!
I think I have decided on the theme and song for WORKCAMP 2010...not ready to commit to it yet tho. Maybe in a couple of more days. I keep listening to it in the car......