Saturday, October 24, 2009

What A Difference A Day Makes!

The photos are of Allie & her new haircut and the leaves changing in the driveway. Can't believe we had the woodstove going last week and today we had to turn on the air conditioning! It's so muggy! It's beginning to look beautiful around here tho with fall coming into view!
Allie is at the Celtic Festival & Games up in Doswell with some friends. I am readying the house for our group of workcamp staff tomorrow. It's our big Wrap-Up meeting and it is always so good to see everyone! There will be about 25 folks here. It's hard to push thru a meeting because we all want to chat and catch up with one another!
We will finally cover the pool this week. I think this is the latest we have ever left it open. I HATE to cover it but the leaves are beginning to fall now!
The new brochures for WORKCAMP 2010 have been mailed to key churches. There have already been several new inquiries. And the residents will begin calling November 1st. AND WE'RE OFF & RUNNING!
I miss Edyth terribly after traveling down to see them. I just can't get over THE SOUND OF MUSIC! And yes, we are still looking at applying for the AMAZING RACE! My weight has hit a plateau, but I have been fudging on my dieting a, I must get back to being a little more strict!
I keep finding more friends from my high school class on Facebook. Our 40th reunion is next May 10th and I am SO looking forward to that!
We've settled on a music theme for camp next summer. It is by a group called NEEDTOBREATHE and the song is called "Lay It Down".......our theme will be a "water" theme and the tshirt will say, "Let's wade in the river!!"
Looks like I might make a trip soon to Lynchburg to see a very distant cousin (never met) who also is doing genealogy on the EAGLE family.
I continue to be amazed at my daughter. She is certainly a strong , beautiful, and determined woman!

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