Sunday, October 11, 2009

It's Been Awhile

I ran across this card and it brought back a flood of memories from our time in Biloxi helping repair after Hurricane Katrina. I guess I will work my way backwards in info.
Yesterday was Morgan Allen's wedding day. It was such a sweet ceremony! It was good to see all the Gregory Memorial friends and especially to see Beverly Bullock!
The info brochures for next summer are copied and the applications ready to be stapled to the covenants! Yep, I do a lot of this busy work during my down time during the fall. Al and I continue to enjoy "knitting" with our looms! All of you family members expect homemade Christmas gifts!
The pool is still open....I hate to cover it, but it is going to be a must do in the next couple of weeks. I enjoy sitting down there and listening to the owls at nite.
Al is finishing up her midterms and we are heading to NC next weekend to spend it with Edyth and family. She is directing the musical "THE SOUND OF MUSIC" so we'll be attending the play also. I can't wait to see all of them!
Alicia & I are supposed to be back to the schedule at the YMCA, but she has had a bout of flue/ fact, all of the Scudders have been ill.
Bob Scudder had a horrible happening about 10 days ago. He is retired now and works the nite shift at the local Holiday Inn front desk. He was robbed at gunpoint....a terrible happening. Believe it or not though, they caught the culprits. They had video tape and enhanced the license plate on the car has it was driving away.
I STILL haven't finished painting the kitchen, but have taken 3 bags out of the "mee-maw room" to Goodwill. Trying to get it together before the holidays.
Saw the Michael Moore movie, "CAPITALISM: A LOVE STORY"! Went with friend, Sally Driscoll. Terrific movie, but I am not very good at economics. Need to see it again to take it all in!
Ordered an old video camera off Ebay so that we can transfer all the little 8 mm tapes of the family before they corrode. Yep, another project!
I think I have decided on the theme and song for WORKCAMP 2010...not ready to commit to it yet tho. Maybe in a couple of more days. I keep listening to it in the car......

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