Thursday, February 24, 2011

Love to England

These are photos of "Grandmother Edith" on her birthday the beginning of February in Diss, England . Just a few days later she was outside in the winter, hanging her clothes on the line and suffered a major stroke. She is now in the hospital in Norwich. She is 96 years old.....and she is awake and aware of what's going on now.....unbelieveable! It is precarious, and the prognosis isn't good,....sending lots of love her way.
John gets his hearing aids tomorrow!!! I think I am more excited than he is!
Al starts her new medication tonight....think she is coming home in case she has a reaction to it...she is so sensitive... She and Paul went to the Barksdale theater tonight and saw NUNSENSE!

Monday, February 21, 2011

It's February What???

I can't believe it's Feb 21st already! It seems like we just finished up Christmas!
Allie's been home with us this weekend, not feeling well, ....the endo is acting up.
JR & I headed up to Our Lady of Lourdes Saturday evening for a high school youth retreat. John talked with them about the 4 kinds of love in the Bible....the Greek words. Most of the kids had been to workcamp, so it was a fun little reunion.
Tabernacle was yesterday. Jamie Adkins, modest as he is, almost didn't tell us that he saved two people's lives this week. He heard voices in the distance....drove around the back of where he works....2 men trapped inside a tanker...could only get out of the hole by putting their hands over their heads. One had stopped breathing because of the fumes and the other was trying to life him up. It was an ordeal, but they finally got them out and his friend started breathing. Thank God Jamie was in the right place at the right time. I told him I probably would have just stood there and screamed like a girl!
Gotta make this Monday count!

Friday, February 18, 2011

More Happenings....

Phooey....I'm at the wrong computer again! I wanted to upload a photo of new little Koli, but it's on the other laptop. Oh,'a photo of Al & one of her housemates, Jillian. Last nite Al called....some sort of "creature" has gotten into their attic. Apparently it was screaming and scratching....Al called Animal Control. They got there and said, NO, they wouldn't go in the attic.
So......they left....she left a message for her landlord, and then a whole gaggle of policemen showed up. One climbed in the attic and said the insulation was all torn up and there was a lot of "spraying" up there. Looks like they are setting some "Have A Heart" traps up there, ...hope it's a big one!
John and I have started watching the series "GRAYS ANATOMY" starting at season one. We watch one a nite together.....really enjoy it!
I have terrible sinus issues.....yuck!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Much Happening.....

I am addicted to looking at ancestery each evening after the day is done, so here are a couple of photos from the past. The first is my two great grandmothers and other relatives dressed up in their finest for my mom & dad's wedding. The second is a GA coronation photo....u will have no idea what this is unless you were Southern Baptist back in the 60s!
Little baby Koli Kuthy-Temple was born this past week....her photos are so precious. I will try to put one up soon...they are on my Facebook account.
Yesterday, I received a call from England saying that our dear Edith Orford (Tim's grandmother) has suffered a severe stroke, is in the hospital in Norwich and isn't expected to live. One of our main reasons for heading there in March was to see her....she is 96 and we love her to pieces. Our trip will be melancholy, but it looks like we have booked it for a good healing time for all the family.
BIG NEWS! John was fitted for two hearing aids yesterday. It was a wonderful experience....and he should get them in a couple days. I wish I had the room or where with all to explain it online, but the process of adusting these things is incredible.....SHEILA, I can't wait to talk to you!!!
John is speaking to high school youth at Our Lady of Lourdes in Richmond on Saturday....then this Sunday is a Tabernacle Sunday.
Jeffrey is back at Donk's practices and the new season of shows has started. I am so glad he has this group of close friends! He locked himself out of his bus the other day and had to climb thru the back window to get inside! He could have never done that a few years ago!!
Allie is busy substituting and has stories for each day. Her new roomate moves in will be wonderful to have a man in the house with she and Jill. He is ex military and head of security at THE JEFFERSON in Richmond.
Alicia has some surgery on the 22nd....will keep you posted on that. She is terrified of being put to sleep, so prayers please for her to have some peace about this.
Al continues to research the J2 line in our family....looks like GREECE. I continue to dive into recent ancestry....hope to download the GEDCOM I have created online sometime in the near future....
OK, too much info....will write again soon!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Busy Week Ahead!

The photo is of niece Lizzie & I sitting in the field while shooting guns the other weekend in Martinsville. I want to get back up there soon to scan some photos that Aunt Janet has organized in all of her photo albums! I guess I could drive to Danville and pay that SPEEDING TICKET in person, but, think I'll just mail it in and see Aunt Janet on a later date!
Another one of JR's sermons is up and running. Now that I have the hang of it, it's actually fun to put them online on his blog.
Al is steady substituting. I have my nose to the grindstone today for WORKCAMP. I was sidetracked by genealogy for a few days. Had to put a stop to that! So, I must organize my time better so I can "dig" in the evenings!
Tuesday I am meeting Al in Richmond and we are going to Beth Ahaba Temple to meet with the rabbi there who is also a historian. Going to check out the genealogy leads in VA around the EAGLE family. Then we are swinging by the VCU gym for Allie to join (Christmas present). Then tomorrow evening is our Bible Study. I am really loving the little group we have that gets together.
Wednesday is our 26th wedding anniversary. My BIG anniversary present is actually an odd one, but one I have waited for for a long time. JR has an appointment to get a HEARING AID! Allie and I are thrilled! Now just crossing my fingers that when we get in the office, JR doesn't start seeing $$$ signs and backing off.
Taking care of physical business too....had blood tests last week....going Thursday to talk with doc about results (sugar, etc). Went to my ortho specialist and he gave me a shot in the side bone of my hip and it helped A LOT with the pain. It's great! And the xrays show no artheritis. Had my for my pap smear and colonoscopy (I am dreading that one!)
Kuthy baby due this week! Snow maybe coming this way! And found a new relative in Suffolk I'm dying to interview!
Well, Will has had a I need a shower! Great week ahead!

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Here are some more photos from last week's family gathering. Having a quiet, rainy Saturday this weekend. Al is in front of a Kroger in Richmond with the Our Lady of Lourdes youth group selling Krispy Creme donuts. JR is on the golf course.
I was able to get one of his "vintage" sermons from 1975 onto his blog. Allie is scanning "vintage" I guess VINTAGE is the word around the Romaine family!
I have really be digging into ANCESTRY.COM every spare minute. My genealogy hunting goes in spurts and I am enjoying the quiet this Saturday in my pjs and with family history!
Went to my orthopaedic surgeon the other day. My knees check out a shot in my left hip that helped a lot! Jeffrey and I made a pact at the beginning of the year....he's already lost 15, 2. I hate him and told him so!
Be sure to go to John's blog and give a listen to his sermons!
And all our photos are being posted at