Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Where Are the Days Going???

Here's John in his VCU hat. We are loving the VCU basketball games. Because we do not have Comcast and are too cheap to sign up for the live video feed, we watch little stick figures on the computer and listen to the live feed on Ram Radio. Can't wait until the finals when we will be able to watch on tv.

Al phoned to say she caught a bug....101 fever, congestion....funny....all those times she subbed in those snot filled classrooms and never contracted a thing! Knock on wood, John & I remain healthy. I scheduled our colonoscopys today. Don't know why, but I really have the heebie jeebies about this procedure :(

Went by Alicia's today....they have a new couch just in time for Ben & Jen to come home for a visit from Texas! I also visited four new residents today....this summer is going to be phenominal!

John & I are loving our new Keurig...the caffiene is making me a little nuts tho, but the coffee is SO GOOD! We gave each other the new coffee machine for Valentine's Day.

On a sad note....Whitney Houston is gone....

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Happy Anniversary

Today is our wedding anniversary....27 years! John and I ventured down to Toano, VA to visit with Glenn & Sheila Plott. Glenn married us all those years ago. We had a wonderful long visit!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Things Are a Little Bit Back To Normal

I am posting the VCU RAMS logo because John & I are loving keeping up with the basketball team. Even when we can't get it on TV we get statistic updates on the computer while we are watching something else.

I took Alicia to radiation therapy today in Richmond so we stopped off at the VCU bookstore and picked up a few trinkets to send Allie. It felt odd being in Richmond without her. I can't believe she navigated downtown for all those years! So proud of that girl!

John just downloaded one of Al's school books on his Kindle so he can read the same thing she is reading. I have slacked off on crocheting. I did get all my Christmas gifts finished, so that was my goal.

John & I are making plans to head down to Toano on our anniversary to spend the day with Glenn & Sheila Plott. Glenn was the minister that married us 27 years ago! They'll be making soup and we will bring Subway to share. It will be so good to see them!

I hope to give both doggies baths this weekend....that's my big goal!