Thursday, November 8, 2012

Haven't Heard That Word In A Long Time...

You know....back in the sixties, the word  C U LT  was thrown around a lot.  It reared it's head later because of Jim Jones and the fiasco in Ghyana.  We now joke, "Don't drink the Kool-Aid!" but rarely see how giving up our ability to look around is quite the killer.  During the election, I kept hearing the word  over & over  concerning some political movements and some religious choices. 
You know, this wouldn't even be a phenomenom if people would THINK FOR THEMSELVES.  It's a matter of getting out of the bubble of your political party, your community, your school/university, even your church if the things listed below are occuring. 
 I found the following principles on the internet on HOW TO START YOUR OWN CULT.  It's quite amazing. It can happen in large groups or small groups if people give up their freedom of choices and rely on the opinions of the "members" that surround them 24/7.....


1)  First, create an  Us vs. Them atmosphere….a utopia , "group-think"  setting where your
       group believes they are the ones that hold truth 

2)  If possible, create a commune or place where only like minded believers can live

3)  Subtly isolate from anything outside the core experience  - provide activities so that members
      have no time and eventually have no desire to associate with those outside the core experience
     To create more isolation, discourage outside different friends and activities by providing a total
     package of daily emotion charged activities within the member walls. It’s all about the group
    "fellowship" and it’s themes & promises.

4)  Emphasize the visual and sensual over the intellectual. Create large groups of followers singing,

     meditating, cheering or chanting. Distract from the study & debate of any differing opinions by
     offering emotional  “chill bump” happenings to convince members of their "truths". 

5)  Outside literature, books, movies, videos must be tightly controlled.  Engaging in music/dance,&
     art that has not been sanctioned by "the group" is a sign of weak devotion and must have

6)  Create an overpowering experience of love and friendship while simultaneously handing down
      a standard of conduct with consequences of repremand  (ie. dress, hygene, time management,
      plus lists of locations & activities not permitted )

7)  When members first join your "group", have them expeience "love bombing".  Set up
      relationships for new members such as mentors, "friends", advisors, internet connections, bunk
     mates.  Subtly suggest with whom members should and should not associate so that they will
     not be "led astray".

8)   Create choices of rituals and compulsory activities within the group's grounds. Structure as much
      of a follower's day as possible, keeping them aware of the group timeline & of what is permitted
      and what is required during certain parts of the day.  Offer rallies, studies, concerts,
      competitions.  Down time only provides opportunity for  questioning teachings.  Again, rely
      heavily on stimulating emotion through activities, speakers, music, etc.

9)  Make sure the atmosphere is one of “group think” or everyone hearing the same message.  
    Make sure they are all well taught in defending their positions against those outside the group. 
    Cause it to feel risky, unloyal or even unhealthy to debate or question the groups' beliefs openly.
    A group member is taught that any exploration or dialogue like this could possibly cause them to 
   sway or become unsure.

I can certainly see why Workcamp, with some of these elements, was called a cult by a Baptist church back in the nineties.  The difference is that workcamp is a MOVEMENT and not a CULT. 
Ours is a retreat of one week.  We do not say one group has absolute truth over another group.  Although there is a bit of some of the above elements, we are only one week.  We encourage diversity and stepping out of the box to try something new and different.  A movement encourages these things....a cult does not. 
So check out your "group".  Hopefully now that the election is over, the "C" word won't be used as much.  It's exciting to see men and women following with their hearts AND THEIR HEADS! 

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