Saturday, December 15, 2012

Many Ups & Many Downs

So much is happening here at home, around our country and around the world.  Our nation now is grieving for the children and adults killed in the elementary school in Connecticutt.  Trying to make sense of it does nothing but make me sick on my stomach.  I want to look for the good.....I want to look for the good....
Allie drove straight through after her exam the other night.  Nine hours later she was in Virginia!  So glad to have her home.  Between she and John though, I don't think I am going to get much done the next month.  I still have presents to get, Workcamp house orders to write, ....lots to do, but it is good stuff.
We plan to go to Busch Gardens ChristmasTown tomorrow night.  JR might even join us!  We're trying to pick a time to get together with Paige & Grover.  Allie sees Dr. Ciurash on Monday morning.  John & I have been hauling & spliting wood while using the 4 wheeler & wagon.  So much fun!  The wagon got a flat though and won't be repaired until Monday.
John bought a new Camry....yep, just turned in the Honda and drove home a Camry.  It is so nice and I feel so much better with him in it.  We also have someone coming to put new windows in the house.  Ours are literally falling out.  Thankful that we have $$$ in savings to do it.
We're eating navel oranges like there's no tomorow.  Ordered a box of them from Ellen for a PGHS band fundraiser.  Went to the Colonial Heights Christmas Parade last Tuesday.  Missed the Prince George one :(
My banjo picking has slowed down, but I'll start practicing diligently soon.  One thing at a time! 
I met my niece Jennifer up in Lynchburg the other weekend and we went out in search of a graveyard of EAGLES. We have quite a time and met some really good people in the process.  Next time I think I'll take my metal detector. 
John has had church services, a funeral and has reconnected with some old friends. 
                                              Elvis in the Colonial Height Christmas Parade :)

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