Sunday, August 25, 2013

What A Year So Far!

If I could change anything about what has happened so far this year, it would be to have my dear friend Alicia back.  My last post was her celebration of kicking cancer.  My post now.....I have just come from Blandford Cemetary where she was buried August 22nd.  Most of it is vivid and at the same time just a blurry mess.  All I know is that I miss her terribly.....I just can't write anymore about it.....
I might as well get all the "ugly" out first.  My uncle Kemp passed away suddenly and I wasn't even notified by his wife.  Needless to say, there is a permanant wall up now....
I had to take our precious 16 year old dog, Will, to be put to sleep in June.  Enough said.....
So now....I'll focus on the good....
Our WORKCAMP 2013 was so incredible that I will devote my next posting to just that.  Having the new group from Palestine with us was greater than could be imagined!
Allie & I will be taking a road trip to Atlanta on Labor Day weekend.  I will stay for a day and meeting some of her friends and professors and then fly home .  This is her last semester at Columbia Theological in Decatur.  Time has really flown by!  She is hoping to get sponsorship from the school to travel to Palestine and Israel in November for her final thesis paper.  If she does, I will tag along.  I'm working at getting a few pounds off so that I can get up and down the hills though! 
I have fought on and off with our pool water all year I will NOT neglect to buy a Nature II cartridge.  Thought I would save some money, but with all the distractions, the pool has stayed cloudy most of the summer!  YUCK!
John is thinking of flying up to Moravia if we go overseas.  We are also planning a road trip together down to Atlanta so that he can see Allie's school....he's never been :) 
The cursor is acting funny so I will end this post.....I will write again REALLY SOON!!!

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