Thursday, October 31, 2013

Back On Track

Hopefully I'll be back on track now.  Catching up on all the news will be the most difficult part, but once I start writing more often I should be back in the groove.  Actually what makes me start writing again is that ALLIE & I ARE GOING TO NABLUS, WEST BANK soon!  We leave on November into Tel Aviv.....visit Jerusalem a couple days , but spend most of the time with our Palestinian friends!  Allie is doing this in conjunction with her thesis so it is a little bit of both work and play.  If it all works out, I hope to give daily updates on this blog.  Thus...I am back blogging again!

The top photo is of John at Keith & Ruby Spain's house for their annual barbeque get together.  It was so rainy, but lots of good food and fun with friends. 

The second picture is of Ellen and Al at the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk in Richmond this past month.  Ellen & Bing came down for the walk also.  The shirts were a special project....Keith Spain helped us tie dye the shirts...they even have a pink ribbon in the design on the back.  I printed out transfers on the computer, ironed them on and the rest is history.  BEST SHIRTS THERE!!

Another thing that has happened that made writing in the blog difficult.  Our precious dog WILL had to be put down earlier in the year.  It literally broke my heart.  We had him for 16 years and he was such a dear part of our lives.  We thank God everyday for LOUIE who was dropped in our laps just  the right time.  I can't write anymore about it.

-  Paige and Grover went to France to visit Christy and family.  Haven't heard back from the yet.
-  John and I made a road trip to ATLANTA to see Al at Columbia a couple days.  Good to get away!
-  Allie was home for mid-terms week....only have one so she took it online....she is wrestling with her thesis.
-  Love getting up the fall leaves with the John Deere :)
-  Jeffrey turns 50 years old this November

I'll continue to write catch up thoughts in the coming posts....gotta scurry!

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