Monday, November 4, 2013

A Little Bit of West Bank Info

Allie and I LOVE Rick Steves and his travel videos.  Here are a couple of takes he did in the West Bank just recently.  This first one is of the food!  YUM!!!  Also, the picture above is of an olive grove near Nablus.

The next video is of Ramallah, the unofficial capitol of Palestine.  Note that he points out all of the water tanks on the buildings.  The Israelis limit water that comes into the West Bank, so each building has to gather as much water as they can when they get it.

This next video is of Hebron.  Rick Steves even does not get it that the conflict is not solely between Muslims and Jews.  The conflict is between PALESTINIANS and occupation ISRAELIs .  In Nablus, Father Ibrahim says that they all live together:  Muslims, Christians and Samaritans.

Here is footage of the Palestinian refugee camp in Nablus.  It's a no brainer.  There are no Israeli refugee camps.....who is the aggressor here?!

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