Sunday, May 25, 2014

Much, Much, Much....

 Graduation from Columbia Theological Seminary was a road trip to ATL
 Grandpa Bing's 81st Birthday at El Caperal with sweetie pie Jackson Scudder
 Easter cookout....Ben & Ben solving the world's problems over a beer
 Special Aunt Allie loving on Jackson Liam Scudder
 Easter group photo 2014
Al's beautiful and well deserved diploma
The last time I wrote, it was the beginning of May.....and now it's almost June!  I can't even begin to remember all that has happened.  The ceremonies of Al's graduation were so inspiring....I was a proud MAMA.  Al had been sick the whole time we were down there, but we didn't realize how sick.  Upon returning from ATL, she was admitted to SRMC with excruciating stomach pain and her white count was up above 18,500.  All tests are normal though, and white count is, she opted to get OUT OF SRMC at we'll find a good doc outpatient. 
Our Ben P. just finished a week in Philadelphia taking a class for Ford.  The pool is almost ready for swimming and I had a relaxing time riding the John Deere yesterday cutting the grass. 
My dear high school friend, Lydia Sterling Hall is in ICU after surgery at UVA.  Praying for her recovery.....
BIG NEWS....John has joined the Carson Fire & EMS Department.  Looks like he will be acting as their chaplain.....Once I get a picture of him in all of his gear, I will post it!  He took a class in CPR at the hospital. He also joined American Family Fitness and goes there about 3 times a week.  What a husband I have!!
The weather is beautiful today....gonna get off this computer!
P.S.  I have a new hero.  Pope Francis prayed at the wall in Bethlehem today.....Oh, that the world will see!

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