Sunday, November 30, 2014


The house is abuzz, yet it's not hurried or rushed.  Thanksgiving was such a good day.  It was John, I, Al, Ben, Ellen, Kent, and their grandfolks.  As you can see by the pic, Ellen and her grandma Ellen cooked the turkey and some pies.  Al and I did the rest.  We had so much fun in the kitchen together, and I am definitely not one to linger in the kitchen!  We ate until
we were totally stuffed.  Then Allie and Ben headed to Richmond to see the Portyratas .  Jenn came over with Jackson so we lured him with toys into taking steps around the house.

John and I took a ride earlier in the week down to Toano to see Glenn & Sheila.  We shared Subway and lots of good conversation.  They are both in their 90s and still just as in touch with the goings on in the world as ever!

Last night Allie was making wedding favors.  I can't say too much about them because we don't want to give away the idea!  Let's just say it involved a beautiful "P" rubber stamp and a calligraphy pen.
The boys are anxious to cut wood, but the chain saw isn't cooperating.  It's off to the repair shop now and am thankful that it's still under warrenty!
Today is Sunday.  John is getting ready to visit another local church.  He's been going to a different church each Sunday....seeing old friends and getting inspiration.  Me...I'm still worship at the Church of the Inner Springs.  Oh, and I'll be heading to the grocery store soon before the after church rush for chicken!

Saturday, November 22, 2014


This past year has been one of many changes for the Petersburg Romaines.  Many of them major life experiences.  I guess that's why I'm up at 3am, having coffee and on Facebook.  Usually I sleep like nobody's business, but I'm up so I'll catch up.
Al and I went down to the Old Union Train Station in Petersburg to meet with "Patty", who will be
Old Union Train Station
Blandford Church 

catering Ben & Allie's wedding.  They will be married November 7, 2015 at historic Blandford Church and then ride down the hill to the old train station for the reception.  We are having so much fun planning and having a year to do the planning is a dream.
It's been a difficult year of job searching for Al, but if all goes well, she will have a job very soon.  I don't want to jinx it, so I won't say anymore.

Since John & I have left Tabernacle Church, it has been quite an adjustment for him.  It has been many years since he hasn't either had a church to pastor or a full time job with the government.  He is finding his niche though.  It's hard for him to just RELAX!
We absolutely LOVE following the VCU RAMS Men's Basketball team!  Tickets are way expensive, so we curl up in bed and yell at the television screen!  Coach Shaka Smart has quite a team this year.
Weber dunking
   It's been a year since my best friend, Alicia, passed away from breast cancer.  We have traveled a journey with her kids since her death.  Going  abandonment, eviction (well, you name it, their dad has done it!) has made this past year challenging.   It's all good now though.  They have a cute place to live, more extended family (from workcamp) and a bright future.
My Uncle Bill (mom's brother) passed away last month so we all gathered for a memorial service.  It was so good to see all the cousins and spend time with Susan in her home.  I sure hope we all can get together during the holidays!  
The grand ladies at Uncle Bill's memorial
Moving day for Kent & Ellen
   It is hard to believe that it has been one year since Allie & I were in Nablus, Palestine.  Not a day goes by that I don't think of all of them.  My life was profoundly changed by that trip.
Well, we'll be getting ready for Thanksgiving.  We will have John, Ben, Allie & I,  Ellen and her grandma are cooking the turkey and "fixings", so all of them will be joining us for the day.  We are planning a trip down to see the Plotts soon...very soon!  I have begun looking at houses and visiting families for next summer.  That in itself is a blog.  I will try to share more next posting.      

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


Well, Allie & I just returned from a whirlwind trip to find her wedding gown.  We drove to Philadelphia, stayed in a hotel downtown, took a train into NYC the next morn, saw Paul B., went to the loft where she selected her handmade dress, looked around at Macy's, went to Penn station, rode the train back to Philly, slept and then drove home this morning.  WHEW!  
Visiting D.C. 
It was perfect and she will be a vision next November.  The dress is handmade by the designer and will be ready in about 5 months.  That's all I am allowed to say at this point!  LOL! 

 So much has happened since I wrote in July when Ben and Al were engaged.  A major happening is that John is no longer pastor at Tabernacle Methodist.  I am glad and will say no more. He is now chaplain for Prince George County's EMS and Carson Fire Department.  He took a class at SRMC and meets with the firehouse twice a month.  He's helped with several happenings including giving the benediction at the groundbreaking ceremony for the new firehouse.  So proud of him.  

Workcamp 2014 was of course incredible.  As you can see we were visited by quite a few special guests as well as the "pope".  Our theme this year was the song "BRAVE"  and we had fun with it!  
Our Palestinian friends were brave and tried everything from power tools to ice skating so that was much fun also!  

The Scudder "kids" were evicted and forced from their home as well as other atrocities by their father.  A wonderful workcamp staff family have helped set them up in their grandparents home and it's been an adventure getting the place ready.  It had been locked up for over ten years, so much had to be done to get it ready.  All is well now though, and everyone is moving ahead.  Especially little Jackson, who is on the move and will be walking any minute!  
We finally had the huge stump from the tree that fell behind out house during the last big storm taken care of.  It was hauled away into the woods and the deck repaired!  Ben replaced most of the aging parts on the pool this summer, so next year should be a breeze!

For now I'll just upload some pics of happenings and hope that this will justify catching up!  

Chicken & Waffles Drag Brunch
Grand ladies at Uncle Bill's memorial service 

Daniel & Sarah's wedding

The murdering in Gaza & the Pope visits THE WALL

My dear school friend Lydia passes away