Sunday, November 30, 2014


The house is abuzz, yet it's not hurried or rushed.  Thanksgiving was such a good day.  It was John, I, Al, Ben, Ellen, Kent, and their grandfolks.  As you can see by the pic, Ellen and her grandma Ellen cooked the turkey and some pies.  Al and I did the rest.  We had so much fun in the kitchen together, and I am definitely not one to linger in the kitchen!  We ate until
we were totally stuffed.  Then Allie and Ben headed to Richmond to see the Portyratas .  Jenn came over with Jackson so we lured him with toys into taking steps around the house.

John and I took a ride earlier in the week down to Toano to see Glenn & Sheila.  We shared Subway and lots of good conversation.  They are both in their 90s and still just as in touch with the goings on in the world as ever!

Last night Allie was making wedding favors.  I can't say too much about them because we don't want to give away the idea!  Let's just say it involved a beautiful "P" rubber stamp and a calligraphy pen.
The boys are anxious to cut wood, but the chain saw isn't cooperating.  It's off to the repair shop now and am thankful that it's still under warrenty!
Today is Sunday.  John is getting ready to visit another local church.  He's been going to a different church each Sunday....seeing old friends and getting inspiration.  Me...I'm still worship at the Church of the Inner Springs.  Oh, and I'll be heading to the grocery store soon before the after church rush for chicken!

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