Friday, January 27, 2017



  I regret that I wasn't able to be among the throngs in DC on Jan. 21st, but I was honored to participate in the MARCH ON MONUMENT in Richmond the weekend of the 15th with my daughter.  I am befuddled that some still think the "march" was all about "right to life" and anti abortion.  I have observed that most of the people that look at marching in this way are those that are woefully misinformed, or untouched by issues because of their lives of priviledge or enclose themselves in a bubble..
So for those people, I gladly tell you why I marched and will continue to march.
I marched because for these reasons and they are not prioritized.  I am writing them as I list them in my mind and heart.

* I marched because I believe that our new president is a vile human being.  That he has no empathy. That he is obsessed with himself and himself only.  That he believes he can grab women by the genitals just because he is who he is.  That he is making a mockery of the American people and says he "loves the uneducated".  Any other choice would have been the usual smooth transition of power, but not with this insanity that is D.T.

*  I march because I do not want a political Zionist appointed as ambassador to Israel.

*  I march because I do not want a president that cozies up with Netanyahu, a murderer of
    Palestinian people.  A man that steals Palestinian land and continues to build settlements.

*  I march because I do not want a president that is bedfellows with a Russian dictator who has murdered thousands of Ukrainians.  I do not want a president that calls Puten a better leader than the former president of the US.

*  I march because I do not want a president that refuses to open his tax returns to show with whom he does business with and what countries he owes.

*  I march because I believe in universal health care.  I believe that what was established in the ACA was an incredible base that gave health care to millions that had none.  I do not want the ACA thrown out but tweaked to be more affordable.  I do not want children without healthcare.  I do not want to be thrown off my insurance because of a pre-existing condition.

*  I march because I want sensible gun legislation.  I do not want to take away your guns.  I just want gun owners to be sensible.  I believe that selling large magazines of ammunition to the public is unsafe in the wrong hands.  I don't believe in open carry because it is confusing to our law enforcement in determining "who is the bad guy".  I believe that the loophole of guns bought and sold at gun shows without background checks should be closed.  I believe that gun owners should be prosecuted if one of their weapons was used in the commision of a crime because of their negligence to keep their guns locked & secure.

*  I march because I want people to be brought together to find peace in the immigration issue.  I do not want Hispanic families torn apart.  I want a pathway for illegal immigrants who are productive contributors to our land to gain citizenship.  I want the poor that see our country as a beacon of light to be able to afford legal citizenship.

* I march because I do not want Muslims profiled and forced to be on "a list".  I don't want people that I love who do not share my religious beliefs to be shamed, afraid and limited in their freedom in this country.

*  I march because I do not believe in "alternative facts"

*  I march because I believe we should share in taking in refugees no matter what their country of origin is.  I think it is pious to send students and religious groups to other shores to "help with the refugees" and yet these same people voted for a president that doesn't want them welcomed and helped in our own country.

*  I march because I believe that women should receive the same pay as men if they are doing the same job.  I believe that the minimum wage should be raised so that single parents trying to provide for their families will have a way to climb out of poverty.

*  I march because I understand that Planned Parenthood and organizations like it are so much more that what the religious right labels them.  I want poor women to be able to go to a place where they can receive pre-natal care, vitamins, ultrasounds, and instruction in childcare.  I want poor and young women to have access to birth control .  I do not want young women who need birth control to have a place to go for free to get answers so that they don't have to continue having babies and living with their parents.

* I march because I do not want the government telling me what I can and cannot do with my body.  I do not want  a government that partners with drug companies making choices in medicines different than what my physician says is good for my treatment.

* I march because I believe in science.  I believe that climate change is a real happening.  I do not want funds cut that are used to study and improve our use of energy.  I do not want my grandchildren to have a world where plants and animals are extinct because of our greed.

*  I march because I believe in a free press.  I do not want a president or press secretary that yells at journalists.  I do not want a president that restricts what the press can say and where they can say it.

*  I march because I do not want lower and middle income families to pay taxes while corporations and the wealthy pay no taxes.  I do not want a president that does not pay income taxes that are used to support the military, elderly,  infrastructure, public education...and the list goes on.

*  I march because I do not want a president that mocks the disabled.

*  I march because I do not want a president  (R) Senator John McCain is not a hero because he was "captured in Vietnam"  I do not want a president that says he likes "his heros not to be captured".  I do not want a president that says he knows more than career military generals about ISIS.

*  I march because I do not want a president that labels women by numbers.  I do not want a president that says if a woman doesn't have "boobs" than she can't be a 10.  I do not want a president that calls his own daughter "a nice piece of ass" and that if she wasn't his daughter, he'd probably date her.

* I march because I do not want a president that name calls other that don't agree with him...called people "Pocahontas" & crooked. I do not want a president that labels people as rapists and murderers because they came to the US seeking a good life for their families.

*  I march because I do not want US ambassadors in every country given an ultimatum to be out of their embassies by noon on inauguration day with no one to replace them to continue peaceful dialogue until another ambassador is appointed.

*  I march because I do not want a president that talks defiantly about saving jobs in the US but has his own clothing line produced in China and children in third world countries because he can make a better buck.

*  I march because I do not want a N. Dakota Native American tribe to be shafted by oil companiesI want a president that is more concerned about the well being of native Americans and the contamination of their water supply .  I want a president that can encourage the pipeline be diverted some so that the Sioux are not endangered.

*  I march because I believe that God created us all equal...and that includes gay and transgender Americans.  I believe that there should be no discrimination in healthcare benefits and civil or religious marriage ceremonies.

*  I march because I do not want a president that relies on the advice of S. Bannon who pulled his children from a school because it "had too many Jews".  I do not want a president that associates with the alt-right which is just another label for the KKK.  I do not want a president who says he doesn't know the name David Duke.

*  I march because I do not want a Secretary of State that is the CEO of Exxon and I shouldn't have to explain that.  I do not want B. DeVos to be Secretary of Education when she never attended a public school, nor did her children.  I do not want J. Sessions as Attorney General when he has been known to spout racist remarks and judgements.

* I march because I want the patriots that are the FBI and CIA to be respected and not called "Nazis" by the president.

*  I do not want a president that threatens cities and their mayors with no federal funding unless they do things his way.  I do not want a president that out of all the songs in the world chose dance his first inaugural dance to  "My Way"

*  I do not want a president that I saw from a podium say "I like wars."  I want a president that understands the young lives of the men and women that he can send into harms way.

I could continue but I think by now you should be able to understand that women, men and children marched all around the world for many different reasons on many different levels.  The millions in other countries don't care about our right to life laws.  They marched because they are disgusted by the rhetoric of who we have chosen to represent us.  They march because they do not want him or his ideas in their country.  Neither do I.

I apologize for typos and run on sentences, but I thought it better to be focused on what I felt than on grammer.