Saturday, February 4, 2017


 I read where someone was was comparing the fleeing refugees to people in the water after the sinking of the Titanic.  I don't even know how to understand that thinking! Today we have people who are planning to go to another country and "help" the refugees.  They know no Arabic or Greek.  They are going armed with their Bibles to "witness" to them.  They have had no classes in the history of what has happened to the suffering and their backgrounds  They do not know the names of any world leaders.
 Hundreds of well meaning Christians are arriving on foreign shores to evangelize where refugees have taken haven. This will be the next attrocity that these desperate families are set to face.  No, the Titanic was a pristine oceanliner filled with the globe's richest and most prestigious people wearing their diamonds and finery.  They were fleeing nothing.  They had been through no strife or killings.  They were not suffering from PTSD.  They had not seen much of their family killed in front of them.  They had not just buried their dead babies.

 Do not tell me that you are heading to a foreign shore if you voted for a president that has banned these hopeless people from our shores. If you have not educated yourself in their history and plight, DON'T GO!  If you have not demanded that they be allowed to come to our country for safe haven, DON'T GO!   If you do go, close your lips.  Say nothing.  Cry with them. Take them food, blankets, medicine, clothing, diapers and welcoming arms.  If you cannot do this without forcing them to hear your well meaning prayers, DON'T GO!  If you cannot resist the temptation to push your religious beliefs on an already religious people, then DON'T GO!

 I have purposely edited the pictures shown....they are far tame compared to the actual photos friends are sending me.  So, let this sink in.

It seems that my blog has taken a bit of a turn.  Because of the times, I am not sure that I can write about my pet Louie or my good life  On occasion I will use this as a forum to share what I have learned to be true....yes, researched or been given first hand information on what is going on.

Reality has quote Sinclair Lewis in 1935, "When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross."  

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is the reality that many don't even want to see. I don't know how's to help. Post them all ! Maybe it will smack someone in the face that could do something about it. Tears are coming down from heaven.