Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Life's Random Happenings

(JR sharing cider with brothers and sisters in Vic's kitchen in NY)
Life is full....full of random happenings.....
- In the water everyday at the YMCA doing if I could just get the diet thing down
- Al is coming home today after classes....we'll run over to Prince George Courthouse to see if she can get an
absentee ballot....lines will be long next week and she has class
- The monitor on the desktop computer finally went, so I'm heading out to replace it....funny how the
computer runs a good part of our lives!
- The leaves are beginning to really turn....and the pool STILL needs to be covered!
- Jr is preparing to preach again this Sunday....our trip to NY juggled the weeks around...I love the first
Sunday of the and then we all eat together covered dish....lots of fun and good
- JR and I are heading to the local hospital this afternoon.....our dear church member WILLIE is there and
we just gotta see him!
- Took Will to the vet yesterday...our 11 yr old little fellow picked up a cough somewhere....which is odd
since he doesn't come in contact with any other dogs.....
- Nov 1st is a mile marker....I start looking at houses for next summer....and pulling paperwork together...
- Am going to work on a special Christmas gift for family....TIME, TIME, TIME!!!

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