Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A Bit Of A Tough Day....AGHHHHHH!

Yesterday started off well....and then slowly deteriated into a real challenge. After her morning classes, Al drove home because she wasn't feeling well. I took off to do errands....Debra signing checks, P.O., bank, .....about 2pm Al called me in excruciating pain.....the endometriosis had cropped up with a vengeance. I spun into Walgreen's....they called Dr. Cane....and by the time I got home, Al was really bad. Thank God for pain medication......
While she slept.....and her dad napped....I headed for the YMCA. Yep, I joined and did my first water aerobics class since I had my knees done. We bobbed and did orchestrated drowning for an hour.....ran by Ukrops and got big salads for all of us and headed home.
Al was stirring when I arrived.....she sent off a paper to one of her classes over the internet.....then we all crashed.
Speaking of crash....about 1am a horrific storm passed over. One huge boom and all of the electricity went off.....came back on at 4am.....
So with little sleep and a doped up daughter, we girls head to Richmond....drop Al off at class (she can't drive on the meds) and then Alicia on to the Morman library for genealogy! We are gonna make this a GOOD DAY!
Jerry is coming over to finish chopping up the tree that John cut down last week.....Jerry does the work and gets half of the tree. I am thankful for Jerry!

Took a $500 check by Colonial Heights Middle School as a gift....we aren't in this to make money....right!!??? Let's give it away!

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