Saturday, February 28, 2009

Where is the year going????

Growing up in a Southern Baptist Church in Gloucester, VA I knew nothing about Ash Wednesday. My most memorable service was in D'Iberville, Mississippi when about 100 of us went down to help out with Hurricane Katrina relief. That evening in a ball field, my dear friend and Presbyterian minister, Edyth Pruitt gave communion and we all received ashes.
This past Wednesday, I went to Richmond to visit a friend who had had back surgery, and then picked up Al. We went over to the big Cathedral Of The Sacred Heart there in the center of Richmond and the VCU campus. It was standing room only; probably a thousand folks there. And here is a photo of my beautiful daughter after the service. We headed to Baker's Crust and then I headed home.
JR was a brave boy at his second test last Friday. They literally sent electric shocks up his hands and arms to see if there was any nerve damage. He does a comical rendition of Dr. O'Donnell, the local neurologist, who is quirky and socially handicapped!
Al is hanging in there until her Lupron shot. Also confirmed an appointment with the UVA Pain Management Center in Charlottesville for April 20th. We are hopeful!
I finally traded in the white Nisson and am now driving a 2009 Toyota van. It's wonderful and going to be so functional for workcamp! And I did it all myself! I am 56 years old and have never gone into a car dealership and bought a car on my own!
JR & "Railroad" , his buddy from Fort Lee , won a golf tournament last week!
I've begun dabbling in my genealogy a little again.
Am looking at houses for this summer, preparing for the SMOKE ALARM BLITZ, and waiting for the onslaught of summer workcamp applications that are due March 15th. Folks are positioning for any's so hard to have to say no room!
We may have snow flurries Sunday. I hope so. I miss the snow!

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