Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Can't Sleep

It's so early & I went to bed after midnight. Stupid me should have turned the TV off, but I was enthralled with the show "I DIDN'T KNOW I WAS PREGNANT"....I need not say anymore!
Al had acupuncture yesterday, so she came home to recoup after the treatment. It's totally amazing how it works. Alicia's mom and dad are visiting from N.C., so the girls came over for some game playing in our pajamas last nite since Al was home.
I conquered a major accomplishment yesterday. Besides visiting six homes for camp, I went up on the roof of our home and put in some water diverters. We have ALWAYS had a problem with all the roof surface area rain water rushing down to the chimney & then it leaks. I am praying this does the trick. John & I have tried many remedies so if this doesn't work, I'm throwing up my hands. We've been playing with this for over twenty years!
Today I will begin the daunting task of putting together the WORKCAMP taxes. Of course, we don't have to pay taxes, but we must do an annual report so our financial "stuff" can be seen by all. I finished our personal taxes and would have done them earlier if I had known we'd get such a sizable chunk back! The money is already spent in our heads.
I got rid of the mouse, have almost finished spraying all the pavers with weed killer, am getting a good handle on my caligraphy skills, have committed myself to singing one song at our reunion gathering, bought some veggie plants for John's small garden and I will mourn the closing of the Colonial Heights UKROPS this week.
And the beat goes on.....

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