Monday, August 30, 2010

Here We Gooooooooooo

So much is happening. I'm thinking of even adding more onto my plate, but that's another story! Tomorrow we pick up Bob's truck & trailer, load Al's stuff and head to Richmond! The photo above is of the house she, Jill and Elle are moving into. It is big and old and spacious and has quite a personality. Their landlord is terrific...There will be more stories to tell as the year goes on.
John has decided to start a Fall/Winter Bible study in our home on Tuesday nites. We have invited a mixture of people, so we'll see what the turnout will be. I hope it's a small group. Al of course says I have to clean the house more carefully before they come. Boy, I can't wait until she is in her 50s and she remembers all the things she tells me!
I have been piddling around the pool getting it ready for Labor Day. We are having a last hurrah before school starts, so family and friends are coming for a picnic and swimming on the holiday. Can't wait to see everybody!
Folks are already trying to register for next year's workcamp. I am struggling with the is just not cooperating with me for some reason. It's the pitter patter of these little things that makes me nuts!
I finally replenished my hummingbird feeders. The little things kept coming to our bedroom window and looking in. I LOVE hummingbirds.
I also love sitting on the screen porch now that it's comfortable and the nites are getting cooler. Al & I go down to the pool and float at nites. I am going to miss her when she leaves, but everything is so good for her! Alicia has been away, and then she now works part time up at May Memorial Baptist Church in Powhatan, so I see her less and less. She is helping moving day....not sure about Ellen tho. She is having her wisdom teeth pulled tomorrow!
Last but not least, I had a big fender bender the other day getting onto Washington St from I95...and yes, it was my fault. The fellow I ran into is a minister and is the chaplain out at Central State....really nice man and we had a great conversation while waiting for the police.....Just another day in my life....Aghhhhhhhhhh!!!

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