Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Lots Of Action!

Well, John & I visited the Plotts in Toano this past Saturday morning. The time was much too short! Left a copy of the movie BABIES for Sheila to share with her girls. They both look terrific! So relieved...we shared good conversation & Subway....and a birthday coconut pie.
The photo is a random happening with one of the crews during evening programs.
John's Bible study tonight was terrific. We talked about the Book of Philemon and it turned into current events also. It was just five of us, but each time I believe we will add on another person. Loved it!
I am totally hooked on SWAMP PEOPLE on the history channel....have hooked Alicia too. She is taking me to pick up my van in thr morning. It's finally repaired after the fenderbender. I'll be so glad to have it back. I went to Rainbow books yesterday and picked up a selection of music for next summer. I'm looking forward to listening to it in the van and settling on one song for the theme song for Workcamp 2011. Also called Colonial Heights Middle School to have them pencil in the dates for camp. Am waiting the hear from the new principal...Dr. Evans headed to Menchville H.S..
Al called at 2:30am last nite. Dog barking and keeping her awake. I hung up....continued sleeping. Turns out her neighbor was in the yard also because he dog had cornered a POSSUM in the fenced in area. They ended up calling police....and backup police! All of this went on and neither Jill nor Elle woke up! Funny! Al had to move to the city of Richmond to have a possum experience!
Tomorrow I will be diving into the workcamp finances to make everything balance out for the summer and then begin writing the grant proposals......fun......, not!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Beautiful Day....

The older I get, the quieter I like my birthdays. That coincides with it also being 9/11. So today was just about as perfect as it could get as the day before my birthday.

Registered a brand new church for workcamp. Then JR came home from the Fort Lee course and I scooped up his Toyota. Mine is still being repaired. We loaded Al's TV in the truck with bungie cords and I headed to Richmond. I absolutely love CHURCH HILL and the area. It's so historic. I really want to go up and do the tourist thing one day....St John's Church, the Poe Museum, the Holucaust Museum....just see it all.

I've been looking on Ancestry at the census and now know who was living in Al's old house during certain decades. SO MUCH FUN! She & Jill have even been venturing to the state library in Richmond to nose around!

Allie and I went to TRADER JOE'S ....late lunch at the Hill Cafe....then I headed back to Prince George.

Lazy time watching documentaries with JR about 9/11....and of course, The Daily Show & Colbert!

I called the Plotts and they are up for our visit, so JR & I are heading down to Toano to have lunch with them. The perfect birthday!

The photo is of Al's house in Church Hill!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

End Of Summer...Oh NO!

Our lives continue to be full and we are thankful for it all! There have been some bumps this past week, but the hilltops overshadowed them.
Ellen's wisdom teeth extraction turned sour. She developed "dry socket" and has been in much pain. We believe they have remedied it and she was to head to first day of high school today.
Al is VERY excited. She heard from a prominent member of an investigation team in Pennsylvania and feels so good about the connection. I am so thankful for her. She loves living in Church Hill even more than The Fan! She kept Paul's little dachsund overnite while he is in NY. It was a match made in heaven.
JR's 73rd birthday came and went, and that's the way we like birthdays now! Of course, Al and I gave him BOOKS....he has his nose in one all the time! We gave him the "Writings of Josephus" included in the stack.
Glenn came thru his surgery with flying colors. JR and I hope to go down on Saturday to visit he and Sheila. (Hope u guys are reading this!) We'll bring Subway!
I continue to swat the honey bees from the hummingbird feeders!
The photos are of our Labor Day fun. The first photo is of John's great-grandaughter "Sylvia". Part of the Crowder *(Romaine) gang came up from Newport News. Also traveling from Newport News was Jeffrey, Brooke and her three terrific kids. The middle photo is of Jeffrey & little Megan. The last photo is of John and his daughter Mary. Al took many more photos. Jon David and gang were also up. Had a terrific time with them just sitting on the porch and yakking until later....
Taking the van to Wood's Automotive today...they will repair the fender this week. I will be homebound but it is a good thing. I must make myself dive into the workcamp finances and make everything balance for the year. Writing a couple of grants also....so, I need your prayers!

Ellen's wisdo

Thursday, September 2, 2010

The photo is of all the family at workcamp week two. From left to right, Lizzie Long, Jeff Long, Jon Long, Allie, me and Jennifer Long. We all look pretty worn out, but it was taken Saturday morning at the final get together.
Well, the big move is over. Allie is now an official resident of Church Hill in Richmond. She is only 1 block away from St Johns's Church where Patrick Henry made his famous "give me liberty, or give me death!" speach. She is a couple blocks from the Edgar Allen Poe Museum. She is about 4 blocks from Chimborozo Park which was the Civil War Hospital where my ggggrandfather was treated during the 'wo-wah". It's a beautiful area....she is near the monestary that overlooks the city of Richmond also. I think the girls will be happy there.
Hurricane Earl is heading in and Jeffrey is battoning down the hatches in Newport News. We are hoping that Earl take a big turn to the right soon!
Now that Al's place is really getting into shape, our house looks like Earl already went thru here! Today I am just regrouping after all the hauling and logistics of yesterday.
John went to the Toyota dealership today expecting a great bargain. They are advertising one and not giving one. He was sorely disappointed with what happened there. It's too complicated to spend time on, so needless to say, they lost a customer!
It looks like we'll have a friendly little group together on the 14th to begin JR's fall Bible study. Really looking forward to that.
We are still counting our pennies and hoping for London in February. I miss Tim so much.
Ellen is swollen up like a chipmunk after having all 4 wisdom teeth pulled.....she's doing OK tho.
I talked with Glenn & Sheila....he was being discharged from the hospital as we were talking. So thankful!
I love it...the hummingbirds are chasing each other around the feeders. I guess I better go down to the pool and take the umbrella down before Earl's wind gets here. I imagine we'll have a breezy time by tomorrow morning. Glad he won't be a guest at our Monday Labor Day gathering!