Saturday, November 6, 2010

A Do Nothin' Saturday!

Halloween is over...good memories. On to November. The midterm elections were disappointing to say the least, but now I think the absurd Tea Party has two years to dig a hole for themselves. Nuff said.
Talked with Tim today. It's Guy Falks day...big holiday in Great Britain. He and a friend are heading down to Blackheath tonight for a big bonfire where they burn an effegy of Guy, have fireworks and chant hurrahs while waving sparklers. Sounds like fun!
The wood stove feels SO good! Al has an appointment with Colonial Heights Schools on Wednesday....and she is about to close the deal with Hopewell schools. It will be SO encouraging for her to have some $$ coming in. She is also looking at UVA grad school.
I got the workcamp website updated, up and running! It looks so good and that's a weight off my shoulders!
Thinking of not covering the pool this winter. Looking at the pros and cons on the internet. I would love to be able to see the pool all winter....
I must get a photo of Will in his little HAPPY HANUKKAH t-shirt. We still haven't heard the latest update from Genebase about our heritage....still waiting for the test results....
Al is going to Vienna for an Animal Beat concert tonight....Alicia is in Eagle Eyre....JR is napping, so I am officially doing nothing but genealogy on the internet and crying in front of old Lifetime movies! FUN!

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