Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A Funeral, A Rally & Trick or Treat

Saturday morning Allie parked her car at the McDonald's in Chester off of I295 and we rode together to Burke, VA to David Styles' memorial service at the Church of the Nativity. Young workcamp staff member, Lizzy Styles, is his daughter. Several of the workcampers met at the service....it was very informal and very precious. He and Patti met in the Peace Corp....
After the service, a friend tried to get us to go on the metro into D.C. to the RALLY TO RESTORE SANITY....if I had had some flip flops and more comfortable clothing, we would have gone....both of us regretted it as soon as we got on the interstate. After getting home and looking at the crowds, there was both regrets and a sigh of relief.....
Old workcamper, Rick Hill, visited Sister JR a couple of times and said she was MUCH BETTER. They took the pin out of her leg and she is off the strong pain medication. She was alert, chatty and the news was SO encouraging!
The picture of Paul & Allie is them and the cookies they made for the wrap-up meeting last week. The other photos are of the Hass's across the street. They had a Halloween extravaganza for three nights and people drove up to walk down their driveway and be spooked! It was a hoot!
Tonight I am trying to let go of my meeting at the H & R BLock office visit in Chester. They made a big mistake on our taxes...now we have to pay thru the nose. Interesting....they think I should have taken out a $30 insurance policy on our 2008 tax filing with them in case "they" made a mistake....sounds a little backwards to me! Sort of like if I took out an insurance policy on the doctor when I go into a hospital just in case he "made a mistake"....isn't it the one that causes the liability that takes out the policy????? Just saying....

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