Friday, October 29, 2010

A Fast Week

It seems like yesterday we were down by the pool last weekend.
I forgot to say that at Sunday's wrap-up meeting, the big desktop workcamp computer blew up....I mean, literally blew up! I thot Pete A. had set off a firecracker when he came in, and then everybody could smell electrical burning......I ran to Steve, our computer genius on the Colonial Heights Blvd, and he was able to save the hard drive. Hallelujah!!!! It had EVERYTHING on it from the workcamp finances to my genealogy!
Tuesday night was a good Bible Study. It got a little intense a couple of times, and when the couple next to me said something about the TEA PARTY, Alicia pinched my leg to remind me not to say anything! I am learning lessons in tolerence.
I am meeting Allie tomorrow morning and we are traveling to Burke, VA for a memorial service. David Styles, Lizzy's dad (workcamp staff) passed away from cancer. Lizzy has been with us for many, many years.....her dad, David was a precious person. He and his wife Patti met in the Peace Corp....Lizzy was born in South Africa. We are so fortunate to have them all associated with Workcamp.
Mailed a few brochures out to new churches this week....and already had two new churches ready to register.
The neighbors across the street are having a Halloween extravaganza all weekend, each nite from 6-9pm. Not sure what kind of crowd they are going to get....hope the police aren't involved!
Al and Paul are at a Halloween party tonight at Mark Bliley's....told her he should have had it at one of his uncle's funeral homes.....Boo! Al is a witch and Paul is "Madam Mardi Gras".....just wait for the pictures!

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