Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Bizarre Day!

This has been a most bizarre day! I just received an email from childhood friend Betty telling me that "Shorty" Arehart ( Pam's Dad)passed away Saturday. This is his photo from when I visited Pam's house for the 1970 Christmas get together. So glad I was able to go next door and visit. First of all, Allie came home about 3am because the heat went out in their house in Richmond....
The news is full of the violence that happened in Arizona and the shooting of Rep. Giffords.....just ugly.....
Went to print out copies of all the 941 stuff I was doing for workcamp and the printer ink ran out....OK...will do that tomorrow.
Al and I started out...usual route,...postoffice, bank, ...slipped in the Salvation Army store so she could look at the furniture selection for when they'll need a sofa...
Went by the Colonial Heights Schools city office so that Al could fill out VA witholding tax papers that they had FORGOTTEN to give her to sign for her paychecks.
We split a sandwich at Panera's and just as we were leaving, JR called and said that something what happening with the propane tank at home....leaking gas.....couldn't get thru on the phone to them, so we raced home...it was a bad situation....The gas people were there in minutes ....fixed, but I am SURE glad that John didn't walk down the yard to light his pipe!!!!!
We had more errands to run....by the time we got home, sent her off to Richmond with a space heater and elec blanket, I was POOPED! Phooey...my little electric blanket isn't working!
Thank goodness tomorrow isn't MONDAY again!

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