Wednesday, August 24, 2011

What A Summer!

The photo is from when Allie & I went the THE BLUE WILLOW tea room back in March. So much fun! Al is finally back from England. She had a wonderful time out in the England countryside but her journey home was not without a hitch. NEVER, I repeat, NEVER fly DELTA or any airline operated by Delta. Bottom line, she had to spend the night in Queens, NY.....I had to drive to Dulles to pick her up the next day. Story too long and involved to write, so just know that if you ask me about it on the phone or in person, you're gonna get a mouthful!
Yep, we experienced the EARTHQUAKE yesterday! Al & I had just brought back a load from her rental house in Richmond. She retired to her bedroom to eat lunch & watch a video....I plopped on the bed beside napping John to rest a bit. The bed started shaking like crazy...looked down and the floor was wavy....loud banging like an unbalanced washing machine was in the bedroom. It was the large hutch with TV banging against the wall. Al yelled from her bedroom to get into the doorways....John gathered up the actually wasn't scary...just WEIRD!! Totally no phone service for awhile afterwards too.
Now we are awaiting a visit from Hurricane IRENE.....and NO, I don't believe this is the end times!!!!!!!!
I now put diapers on WILL...yep, diapering the dog. It's so much better than the alternative though! Our little buddy is happy, fun, but blinding and deaf.....the vet tells us we'll just know when it is time.
I love that I'm getting projects done around here. Today is treat the pool, a couple other things and then heading to a matinee to see THE HELP with neighbor Debbie D.

Alisha is having a good week. She is with children's camp at Camp Kehukee :)
Lovin the cooler weather!!!!

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