Friday, October 12, 2012

Fall Is Here....I Think??

It keeps going from hot to cold and then back again so our sinuses are going nuts.  Louis even is having problems with one of his ears :) 
Yesterday I changed out flight plans.  Instead of me traveling to Atlanta for a couple days, Allie is flying home for 4 days!  She found out that she has only a Greek exam for midterm, thus days with nothing!  YAY! 
John after YEARS of sucking on a pipe, is now trying out an electronic cigarette.  It's quite fascinating....he keeps it in his pocket and has been without a pipe for a couple of days. It's pretty amazing!  He has a wedding this coming Saturday in Dinwiddie and then we are going to Ruby & Keith Spain's for a barbecue.  I ordered a clerical robe for John.  He has never had one and has always borrowed Glenn Plott's. It should be in today and I'm waiting for the call.  Ordered one that looks similiar to Edyth's. 
I have been making keychains with the colors of the Palestinian flag.  Just a little project to keep my hands busy when we watch TV.  We finished the HOMELAND series #1 and are totally addicted!  And then of course there was the VP Debate last night.  We were both stuffing popcorn into our faces as fast as we could while we watched.
Lots of folks we know are coming down with pneumonia and the "up chuck" stuff but fortunately we are tiptoeing through all of it.  I started Christmas shopping and the MeeMaw room is getting a little cluttered.  Alicia & I went to a matinee of "Pitch Perfect" and had a good laugh.
I am getting ready to send out the WORKCAMP 2013  brochure, have the wrap-up and board meeting, contacting new churches that have requested info, and trying to update the website.  I never do anything to the website during the year so each fall I sort of have to reteach myself what to do!  And of course, pulling things together for the big 25th REUNION.  We have already reserved Richard Bland College...the pecan grove with the gym as a back up in the evening if it rains.  Once we have our wrap-up session, it will be all systems delegated and ready to go!
Nothing really exciting happening....just everyday nuts and bolts :)  Ran across this old photo & LOVE IT!

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