Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Ben P. took this photo of Al during one of his visits to Columbia.  I am excited that I booked my flight to Atlanta today and am going to down spend a couple days with my girl!  It will be nice to be down there when it isn't HOT! 
Since my last writing, I have turn 60 years old!  I went to a Gloucester High School Mega Reunion a week ago.  It was a reunion of classes from 1963 - 1971 and it was held at a huge farm in the county.  The hosts had a little helicopter that they were taking people up in....and all the tables and chairs/food were set up in an airplane hanger.  I met my Afghan friend, Mohammed Ihsan in the courthouse and we traveled to the gathering together.  It was SO good to see him along with many other old friends I hadn't seen in probably 40 years!  I can't believe I am even writing these numbers! 
I made a trip down to visit Glenn & Sheila Plott just before her birthday.  I took them WORKCAMP 2012 tshirts, hats and we shared pictures and videos.  I'm sending them one of John's sermon CDs each week so they can listen at home. 
I planted some mums down by the mailbox.  Someone took our trash can and then our little solar lights at the end of the driveway..Jon David suggested setting up a deer camera to catch the culprits.  That sounds like a fun idea to me! 
Alicia & Ellen came over for a little time around the firepit down by the pool.  Ellen was accepted into college this past week ...Gardner-Webb University in N.C.  It has been a difficult week.  One of the seniors at PGHS died in a car accident on the way to school.  He was pulling off the road for a police car with siren & flashing lights.  His car went into a culvert, flipped and into water...no one could get him out.  Ellen is the band drum major...the young man that drowned played the tuba in the band.  Friday night's football game was difficult.  His funeral was held in the gym at the high school.
I went to Richard Bland College this past week and reserved the Pecan Grove for our workcamp 25th reunion!  Lots of new faces there so when I connected with a couple of the old ones I was thankful!  Now I am digging into the details and delegating!  It's going to be SO MUCH FUN!!!
Also found the theme song to be used next summer for WORKCAMP 2013.  It is by the group MERCY ME and is called "CRAZY ENOUGH".  We are doing a 60s theme next summer!  We have our board meeting and also the WrapUp meeting coming up the end of this month.  It will be so good to see the people I love!
John drove to upstate NY and spent a few days with family up there.  He also conducted a small graveside service for Grandma Harriet and they commited her ashes for burial.  It was pouring down rain!  The pic at the end of the blog is from that rainy day. 
I have started making little bracelets with the colors of the Palestinian flag....just a little reminder of our friends!

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