Thursday, September 15, 2016


 It looks like we are having a workcamp here on Deer Run Drive.  We are taking care of some things that have long needed attention.  The chimney is finally fixed with NO LEAKS during the rain!  I scrubbed the front bricks with CLR yesterday and it looks beautiful!
We borrowed a power washer and have completed the back deck and house vinyl.  Now just the front of the house and the pool concrete!
Today I will paint the woodstove with the special heat resistant paint and plant my black eyed susans along the front side of the house.
I have the paint for the living room and am looking at some area rugs for three areas in the big living area of the house.
I called Sheila was her 94th birthday!  She sounded good...and I hope to just drop everything and head down to see her sometime.
I do hope to head up to Al's one day soon and hang attick curtains and paint.
During this workcamp break, it really feels good to take care of our own "stuff".  In the middle of all this are all the ugly election posts.  I try to stay above it, but yesterday I just could keep quiet. One day venting isn't so bad for me.  I'm actually surprised and proud of my restraint!
GI Jim brought us a huge load of wood last night so Ben and I will have fun with the log spliter soon.  He is taking a CPR class today for his job.  Allie continues to plant seeds for her Reiki business.  I really feel like it won't be long before it really takes off.  She is SO gifted!
I hope to get the 2017 Workcamp info printed and out before this weekend.  I really want to get ahead of it this year!
Now a little geneaology with my coffee and then back to the house!

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