Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Al Speaks At VCU

The past few days have been filled with many ups and downs. A highlight though was yesterday. A friend and I traveled to Richmond to the 14th Annual VCU School of World Studies Student Research Conference to hear Allie give a 20 minute presentation all in French. She spoke about Christophe Mbangi, her refugee friend from Angola and his challenges coming to this country. Yep, I was a proud mama. Afterwards we went to the Strawberry Cafe to celebrate.
The leaves continue to fall. We are all snorting and sniffing with sinus "stuff" during this season. Sometimes it's a chore, but I still continue to press on with water aerobics.
I learned that our dear friend, Cham Laughlin (has the studio and recorded all of Jeffrey's CDs) has regressed in his battle of cancer. We continue to pray.....
Nope....don't like the time change.....don't like the sun going down so early!!!! UGH!

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