Saturday, November 29, 2008

I've Lost Track Of Days....

Sorry, no photo....I'm just trying to catch up!
A week ago, I helped Al make her last visit to the Somali family that she has been interning for, and I was so excited to see her recieve the good news! Fahiyo and her three brothers are moving to Arizona to be with an uncle and his family! Such a good ending to a such a heartbreaking story!
Later that nite, Al became increasingly much pain from the endometriosis....
We called her specialist, and arrived at the hospital about midnight at BonSecours.
They initially gave her a dose of Morphine thru an IV.....and she had quite a reaction to it! After a large dose of something else to counteract it, she was headed up to her room....
Over the next few days, they did an external and internal ultrasound....results all good.
Basically, she slept and let her body catch up....nausea and pain subsiding...
Yay, she was out of the hospital for Thanksgiving....Uncle Jeffrey drove up and spent the nite. JR had won a turkey at the Fort Lee Golf Course Turkey Shoot.....I hadn't had a chance to finish shopping, but we had most of the ingredients for a great meal!
Later in the early evening, Alicia, Ben, Ellen and Kent came over for a game nite...Drew was with his family.
So we have entered into the holiday season....Al has decided to continue with two classes, and take an "incomplete" for the others so that she can take their exams beginning next semester. There's no way she can juggle her health and a full load at this point in time.
We went to see "TWILIGHT" yesterday's definitely a "teenie bop" movie.....Fun!

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