Wednesday, January 7, 2009


(Ellie & Caroline in Tennessee with their new Christmas kitty, LILLY)
Much, much, much is happening! The woodstove is really cranked high because our heating system needed some repairs. It should be completed by Wednesday!
I started back at the Y this week doing about 50 minutes of cardio in the pool. Gotta get with it before the summer camps start! I do not want to be the "sweaty beast" again this year!
Had lunch in Chester with Drew and Al was good to see them!
Our dear, dear friend CHAM LAUGHLIN passed away yesterday morning of colon cancer. Jeffrey called me and was quite stunned. We never imagined it happening so quickly.....the memorial service is Saturday.
Jessica Bailey Mauger's baby shower is Saturday also, so Allie and I will be juggling our time.
BOTH WORKCAMPS ARE more room for any more campers!
This past Friday evening, Alicia, Ellen and Jan (Drew's Mom) and I all met at Al's apartment to watch MAMA MIA together! We had the version with the lyrics running along the bottom of the screen, so we were loud!
John had an excellant sermon for New Years this past Sunday and of course, there was lunch at the church!
Tim called from ENGLAND! It was so good to hear his voice!

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