Sunday, January 31, 2010

Some Snowy Day Photos

I just wanted to post some snowy photos from yesterday. The sun is out today and I hope to take more. It's so beautiful! Al spent most of the day and nite with the old "Deer Run Kids" pulling sleds behind four wheelers. I spent most of the day transferring old family videos onto DVDs. JR watched his outdoor shows.....and we all ate homemade chili!
Jeffrey called...he even had a ton of snow in Newport News which is rare. I plan to call Jon David today. Non of the roads have been cleared at all up here.
Caressa Cameron, Miss VA was crowned Miss America last nite. She is a competitor from Al's pageant days.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Old Videos, Chili & A Weekend Of Snow

Yep, more goat pictures! That's Ruby Spain on the right with one of the little ones.
I am looking out my bedroom window onto a winter wonderland. The snow is coming down hard & is supposed to all day! We love it! Of course, it's hard for John to stay still all day, so he has ventured out to WAWA for some coffee and then to roam around Walmart just to get out! Al is here, so she and Will are still sleeping.
I can say more freely now, I was almost on my way to Haiti yesterday morning. I was packed and ready because Sally & her team were still pursuing a way for me to go with them. They had gotten a private company jet from Dominion Power to take over their 1000 lbs of medical supplies. Literally at the 11th hour as they packed the jet, they asked the pilot if he could take one passenger. I waited by my cell phone for the text. Alicia and Al were with me when I received the word that the jet was only cleared for passengers. So, my quest came to an end. I learned a lot in the process and will learn much more from Sally when she returns. Who knows.................
Our house is packed with food and the wood stove is pulsating in case the electricity goes off. We have plenty of movies and lots of old video that we haven't seen in years. This is a huge snowstorm. Once I see it let up a little, I'd love to get out there with my new camera. Right now tho, it's coming down pretty hard!
John announced yesterday that Prince George Christian Church has asked him to do a series of teachings during the Lenten season. He's very excited. Not sure if it's once a week thru the season, or what. I am sure more will unfold soon. We plan to make a list this weekend of folks to invite to Al's confirmation at Our Lady of Lourdes on Feb. 14th.
Lots of WORKCAMP I could be doing, but I think I'll take a snowy day snooze instead!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I don't know where the time has gone! It seems like only yesterday we were in Martinsville at Aunt Janet's. The Christmas tree finally came down this past weekend. Allie has started her last semester at VCU. We shopped a little last week for a new bedspread to spruce up her apartment. She is loving her studies.
John spoke at Prince George Christian Church this past month. And reconnected with an old friend too! It's a neat story.
Sally Driscoll, workcamper staff, is heading to Haiti this Friday with a medical team from her pediatric office. They are being sponsored by a local businessman who is footing the travel bill. She told me they had hooked up with a group in Hampton called International Cooperating Ministries (ICM) for a point of contact in the Dominican Republic and travel to an orphanage in Haiti. Turns out, the founder of ICM, Dois Rosser, is a friend of John's from 40 years ago! He called and they chatted a long time and reconnected! How crazy! Of all the groups coordinating help to Haiti, Sally's group picked this one randomly with folks we knew!
We made arrangements to send one of our tool tents with the medical team. I went to pick it up from Keith Spain's house, and he had baby goats in his basement! Of course, I had to take Al back by and photograph them!
There was a very slim chance that I could go with Sally's team and help them organize, so I got my Typhoid shot and others just in case. At least I am prepared for any coming trips in the next few years.
Jon David & family & Jeff, Allie & I are making plans to go to a VCU basketball game in Feb. It will be good to see the family again!
I've started looking at houses and meeting interesting people for this summer. And I am so excited....I finally got a new digital camera! Part of my Christmas present from John! It's WONDERFUL! It's been a long time since I seriously took photos.
Al is loving her new paranormal investigation team. That's a long story, but REALLY a terrific time for her. They were out last Saturday until 4am. She's also enjoying working with the Our Lady Of Lourdes Church middle schoolers on Sunday evenings. Who would have thot!?
Our 25th wedding anniversary is coming up on February 9th. Allie is being confirmed into the Catholic church on February 14th - Valentine's Day.
Went to Chester this morning to speak at the Rotary Breakfast, and they had booked another speaker. It was kind of a relief, because I have quite a bit to take care of.
So you can see we have a full plate right now, but it's all good! Knock on wood we have tiptoed thru the flu season without a hitch. I hope I don't jinx it by writing this!
P.S. Handyman Larry Cunningham had both knees replace last week and he is doing great....going home on Friday.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Basketball, Chocolate Pie & Guns

What a great weekend and it's not over yet! Friday, Allie & I traveled down to Henderson, NC to see Jennifer & Lizzy play basketball. They both play JV ball and then Jennifer plays Varsity also. Lots of fun and we're so proud of them. We drove back to Pburg for the evening.
Originally, Jeffrey was going to meet us early Saturday morning, but he overslept. Al & I headed out to Martinsville and Jeff wasn't far behind in his car. We went the back way and stopped at Starbucks for coffee and then on to the mountains.
There were about 25 of us at Aunt Janet's house for food and fun. I am so thankful for her. Since my mom is no longer with us, we are so welcomed to come there and be with cousins and other relatives. Jon & his family were there and the list goes on. The weather was beautiful. Allie told her cousin Steve that she wanted to learn to shoot a gun, so the guys jumped on that idea. We all piled in the pickup trucks and went out in the fields behind Aunt Janet's house. Allie, Jennifer and Lizzy learned to shoot a 243! Then they all shot a 22 rifle. How much fun was that! We are NOT gun people, but it was quite an experience for all of us!
We went back to the house for more food and games like Blokus and Catch Phrase. After everyone left, Jeff, Allie & I put on our pj's to spend the nite. We went thru all our photos with Janet's photo printer.
She told us that the old iron bridge going into Fieldale had been torn down and she had a commemorative Christmas ornament to remember it. She is going to get one for me, Allie and Jon David.
Sunday morn we had fresh blueberry muffins we hit the road back to Pburg. It was a rainy drive. We will long remember all the laughs and hugs for the weekend.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Too Much To Write!

I put this old photo in because I love it! From left to right, Vic, John, "Tippy" & Arlo. I love old photos and this past month the best Christmas present I could have received happened. I made a contact on ANCESTRY.COM with old family members and got some incredible old family photos and also some vital information from the State of VA Library in Richmond. It's too much to share....let's just say that I am super excited!
The VA Romaines are doing incredibly well. It's almost a little scary! Our holidays were wonderful and we haven't finished yet. This coming weekend we are heading to Martinsville to be with a host of relatives on my Mom's side of the family. We'll be staying at Aunt Janets.
We have been trying to head to NC to see Jenn & Liz play basketball, but because of weather, the games were scrambled. We might get to go this weekend before we head to Martinsville.
Al & her friend Elle went to Hanakah at temple in Richmond to begin the holidays. We went to a wonderful concert at Immanuel Baptist Church which is Alisha's church. Christmas Eve was a little service at our Tabernacle Methodist out in the county (Al sang). And then, Allie & I drove to Richmond for the 10pm mass at Our Lady of Lourdes.
Christmas day was quiet around here. Al & I curled up and watched videos....awaiting the next day. Jon and family & Jeff arrived for a big turkey dinner and lots of game playing. We had a ball. Eating, playing, eating, playing....
Al was asked to join a local paranormal investigation team and has been on two investigations and LOVES IT! That's a whole story in itself! She is doing incredibly well and is registered for her final classes and preparing to graduate in May!
John's ribs are healing nicely. He is back to his old self....just a little more cautious.
I've got to get back on my diabetic diet....I gained 5 lbs, but boy did I enjoy the holidays!
Went to see the Sherlock Holmes movie....loved it. Al & Elle went to see "Young Victoria" at the old Westhampton Theatre and loved it.
We've had a couple of snows and are expecting more tonight. The weather here hasn't been out of the 30s for days!
I start looking at houses for workcamp tomorrow....yep, the second camp is full with a wait list and the first camp only has 19 spaces available. Here we go!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Boy is it cold!!!

I thought I would put this photo on for giggles! It's in the 20s outside right now & this is a reminder of summer fun in days gone by!
Allie & I went to Newport News last Sunday to visit Paige & Grover. Yes, she baked a fresh carrot cake. It was fun to gab and remember our youth.
New Years Eve was quiet around here. Went to the Scudders and played a little BLOKUS. Al left for Richmond with a friend, so I curled up on the couch by the fire at home and played around on the computer.
The first wave of registrations for workcamp has come in. After one day of registration, there are 45 slots open for week one & 20 slots open for week two! I will start looking at houses this week....and so it begins!
Al and a friend are at the old Westhampton Theatre on Grove Ave tonight to see the obscure movie "Young Victoria". Yesterday we went to a matinee of the new Sherlock Holmes movie...really good.
JR spoke at Prince George Christian Church this morning. Alicia & Ellen are in NC with a close friend that is near death. They are driving back tonight, but it has been a difficult time for them.
I keep looking at the Christmas tree and know that I better get busy taking down decorations. I hate this part of Christmas!
I am excited about the new year tho. Lots of new things and plenty of new changes for the year. It looks like Al will be graduating in May. And she went on her first investigation with the Tri-City Paranormal team this past week. They were investigating the WabiSabi restaurant down in Old Towne. She was out with the team until 4am.
I am trying to get my genealogy together to send out a packet to Kemp, but the printing is being goofy! Now begins my busiest time of year. It's exciting to see who is coming to camp.
Al & I are heading to Martinsville this coming weekend for a get together of my mom's side of the family. We'll stay at Aunt Janet's and get to see all the cousins, etc. Jon & Jeff will be there too with family! I love getting together with family!