Monday, January 11, 2010

Too Much To Write!

I put this old photo in because I love it! From left to right, Vic, John, "Tippy" & Arlo. I love old photos and this past month the best Christmas present I could have received happened. I made a contact on ANCESTRY.COM with old family members and got some incredible old family photos and also some vital information from the State of VA Library in Richmond. It's too much to share....let's just say that I am super excited!
The VA Romaines are doing incredibly well. It's almost a little scary! Our holidays were wonderful and we haven't finished yet. This coming weekend we are heading to Martinsville to be with a host of relatives on my Mom's side of the family. We'll be staying at Aunt Janets.
We have been trying to head to NC to see Jenn & Liz play basketball, but because of weather, the games were scrambled. We might get to go this weekend before we head to Martinsville.
Al & her friend Elle went to Hanakah at temple in Richmond to begin the holidays. We went to a wonderful concert at Immanuel Baptist Church which is Alisha's church. Christmas Eve was a little service at our Tabernacle Methodist out in the county (Al sang). And then, Allie & I drove to Richmond for the 10pm mass at Our Lady of Lourdes.
Christmas day was quiet around here. Al & I curled up and watched videos....awaiting the next day. Jon and family & Jeff arrived for a big turkey dinner and lots of game playing. We had a ball. Eating, playing, eating, playing....
Al was asked to join a local paranormal investigation team and has been on two investigations and LOVES IT! That's a whole story in itself! She is doing incredibly well and is registered for her final classes and preparing to graduate in May!
John's ribs are healing nicely. He is back to his old self....just a little more cautious.
I've got to get back on my diabetic diet....I gained 5 lbs, but boy did I enjoy the holidays!
Went to see the Sherlock Holmes movie....loved it. Al & Elle went to see "Young Victoria" at the old Westhampton Theatre and loved it.
We've had a couple of snows and are expecting more tonight. The weather here hasn't been out of the 30s for days!
I start looking at houses for workcamp tomorrow....yep, the second camp is full with a wait list and the first camp only has 19 spaces available. Here we go!

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