Sunday, January 3, 2010

Boy is it cold!!!

I thought I would put this photo on for giggles! It's in the 20s outside right now & this is a reminder of summer fun in days gone by!
Allie & I went to Newport News last Sunday to visit Paige & Grover. Yes, she baked a fresh carrot cake. It was fun to gab and remember our youth.
New Years Eve was quiet around here. Went to the Scudders and played a little BLOKUS. Al left for Richmond with a friend, so I curled up on the couch by the fire at home and played around on the computer.
The first wave of registrations for workcamp has come in. After one day of registration, there are 45 slots open for week one & 20 slots open for week two! I will start looking at houses this week....and so it begins!
Al and a friend are at the old Westhampton Theatre on Grove Ave tonight to see the obscure movie "Young Victoria". Yesterday we went to a matinee of the new Sherlock Holmes movie...really good.
JR spoke at Prince George Christian Church this morning. Alicia & Ellen are in NC with a close friend that is near death. They are driving back tonight, but it has been a difficult time for them.
I keep looking at the Christmas tree and know that I better get busy taking down decorations. I hate this part of Christmas!
I am excited about the new year tho. Lots of new things and plenty of new changes for the year. It looks like Al will be graduating in May. And she went on her first investigation with the Tri-City Paranormal team this past week. They were investigating the WabiSabi restaurant down in Old Towne. She was out with the team until 4am.
I am trying to get my genealogy together to send out a packet to Kemp, but the printing is being goofy! Now begins my busiest time of year. It's exciting to see who is coming to camp.
Al & I are heading to Martinsville this coming weekend for a get together of my mom's side of the family. We'll stay at Aunt Janet's and get to see all the cousins, etc. Jon & Jeff will be there too with family! I love getting together with family!

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