Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I don't know where the time has gone! It seems like only yesterday we were in Martinsville at Aunt Janet's. The Christmas tree finally came down this past weekend. Allie has started her last semester at VCU. We shopped a little last week for a new bedspread to spruce up her apartment. She is loving her studies.
John spoke at Prince George Christian Church this past month. And reconnected with an old friend too! It's a neat story.
Sally Driscoll, workcamper staff, is heading to Haiti this Friday with a medical team from her pediatric office. They are being sponsored by a local businessman who is footing the travel bill. She told me they had hooked up with a group in Hampton called International Cooperating Ministries (ICM) for a point of contact in the Dominican Republic and travel to an orphanage in Haiti. Turns out, the founder of ICM, Dois Rosser, is a friend of John's from 40 years ago! He called and they chatted a long time and reconnected! How crazy! Of all the groups coordinating help to Haiti, Sally's group picked this one randomly with folks we knew!
We made arrangements to send one of our tool tents with the medical team. I went to pick it up from Keith Spain's house, and he had baby goats in his basement! Of course, I had to take Al back by and photograph them!
There was a very slim chance that I could go with Sally's team and help them organize, so I got my Typhoid shot and others just in case. At least I am prepared for any coming trips in the next few years.
Jon David & family & Jeff, Allie & I are making plans to go to a VCU basketball game in Feb. It will be good to see the family again!
I've started looking at houses and meeting interesting people for this summer. And I am so excited....I finally got a new digital camera! Part of my Christmas present from John! It's WONDERFUL! It's been a long time since I seriously took photos.
Al is loving her new paranormal investigation team. That's a long story, but REALLY a terrific time for her. They were out last Saturday until 4am. She's also enjoying working with the Our Lady Of Lourdes Church middle schoolers on Sunday evenings. Who would have thot!?
Our 25th wedding anniversary is coming up on February 9th. Allie is being confirmed into the Catholic church on February 14th - Valentine's Day.
Went to Chester this morning to speak at the Rotary Breakfast, and they had booked another speaker. It was kind of a relief, because I have quite a bit to take care of.
So you can see we have a full plate right now, but it's all good! Knock on wood we have tiptoed thru the flu season without a hitch. I hope I don't jinx it by writing this!
P.S. Handyman Larry Cunningham had both knees replace last week and he is doing great....going home on Friday.

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