Saturday, January 30, 2010

Old Videos, Chili & A Weekend Of Snow

Yep, more goat pictures! That's Ruby Spain on the right with one of the little ones.
I am looking out my bedroom window onto a winter wonderland. The snow is coming down hard & is supposed to all day! We love it! Of course, it's hard for John to stay still all day, so he has ventured out to WAWA for some coffee and then to roam around Walmart just to get out! Al is here, so she and Will are still sleeping.
I can say more freely now, I was almost on my way to Haiti yesterday morning. I was packed and ready because Sally & her team were still pursuing a way for me to go with them. They had gotten a private company jet from Dominion Power to take over their 1000 lbs of medical supplies. Literally at the 11th hour as they packed the jet, they asked the pilot if he could take one passenger. I waited by my cell phone for the text. Alicia and Al were with me when I received the word that the jet was only cleared for passengers. So, my quest came to an end. I learned a lot in the process and will learn much more from Sally when she returns. Who knows.................
Our house is packed with food and the wood stove is pulsating in case the electricity goes off. We have plenty of movies and lots of old video that we haven't seen in years. This is a huge snowstorm. Once I see it let up a little, I'd love to get out there with my new camera. Right now tho, it's coming down pretty hard!
John announced yesterday that Prince George Christian Church has asked him to do a series of teachings during the Lenten season. He's very excited. Not sure if it's once a week thru the season, or what. I am sure more will unfold soon. We plan to make a list this weekend of folks to invite to Al's confirmation at Our Lady of Lourdes on Feb. 14th.
Lots of WORKCAMP I could be doing, but I think I'll take a snowy day snooze instead!

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